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Flags for Glasto 2009

Guest Sam Crawley

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So my mates had the orange Autobot / Tranformers flag last year, which I felt generally received kudos, apart from some one /index.php?showtopic=106965">thread I noticed after the event - someone had photoshopped our flag out of their particular shot! Fair enough.. :) In general I like the flags though perhaps there should be a limit on size - there was one at a gig at Jazz World (Jimmy Cliff maybe?) which seemed a bit like those ones you get covering the crowd in stadiums, a bit excessive and must have been damn tiring to wave for the whole set!

What flag are you planning to take this year?

Edited by Sam Crawley
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So my mates had the orange Autobot / Tranformers flag last year, which I felt generally received kudos, apart from some one /index.php?showtopic=106965">thread I noticed after the event - someone had photoshopped our flag out of their particular shot! Fair enough.. :) In general I like the flags though perhaps there should be a limit on size - there was one at a gig at Jazz World (Jimmy Cliff maybe?) which seemed a bit like those ones you get covering the crowd in stadiums, a bit excessive and must have been damn tiring to wave for the whole set!

What flag are you planning to take this year?

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Ahem. "Ceci n'est pas un drapeau." Come to think of it, that sounds kinda familiar. Has someone done that before? (That's a genuine question if anyone knows the answer.)

For flags to be waved in front of stages I'd suggest a limit of 12x6 inches. That should be big enough that you can find your way back from the bar, not too big that you'll block anyone's view. Deal?

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i love the flags at glasto, for me they add to the whole atmosphere and just makes the scene so much better but i shan't be taking one i just cant be f**ked to carry the things,

we also always use them as a focal point for meeting up and giving directions for that alone they are invaluable!

people who whinge about them blocking the view must be pretty far back in the crowd so even if their view was unobscured occasionally by a waving flag there wouldn't be much to see so why the bitching and whining?

and as for those maoning about them ruining photo's it's not as if they are lord litchfield and their shots are going to grace the walls of art galleries and such they're just snapshots of the day to look back on and remember how does a flag in shot ruin that?

I've never understood that you can still hear the music and dance and see the lighting etc so you can see the little ants on stage and squint and try to figure out whats going on big deal, these are generally the kind of people who simply must find somethign to moan about i find and if it wasn't the flags it would be something else, f**k them leave them to their miserable maony ways and lets just get on with having some fun!

saw an awesome one in the crowd on TV last year that was just Peter Beardsleys face will somebody please take one of chris kamara this year!?!?! :angry:

yay flags!


Edited by .jay.
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I don't really like flags particularly, but you know, if you want to hold you flag up for the duration of a set, well I don't really care one way or another, but at least have some imagination, I looked at that photo earlier on the thread and it's full of flags of different countries, what a load of old toss. Nationalities and borders are a ludicrous concept and the thought of flying a flag of a particular country? pretty much the daftest thing ever.

Fly a flag if you must, but make it original and make it yourself.

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