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Flags for Glasto 2009

Guest Sam Crawley

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thats my badboy returning for its second year! but this time with a mighty 6m pole to identify my tent, along with a nice little red flashing light for the top, so i can find it at night too! i never knew not to tie it right to the top of the pole either, i guess this explains why my flag always looked crap!

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Cow flag will be back for it's 3rd Glasto this year :P ...


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every area and every generation has one of those guys when they're growing up.

and he may be a real guy but he didn't do the things his urban myth alter ego supposedly did he was just a bit of a weirdo not child killer.

Edited by lofichic
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Just for reference, how tall is that flag pole and how big is the flag?


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Well finally got round to doing our flag! :D

This was the image we decided on.


And this is the final result.


Well chuffed with it especially considering we nearly had a complete disaster on our hands. Leaned over to get something and I knocked a load of pink paint onto the flag! :D We scratched our heads wondering what to do, should we bleach it? Then we came up with the masterstroke of doing the girl cartons legs pink instead of white (the spillage was where her left leg is). Was kicking myself! ;)

So if you see it in Kidney Mead along with a Saltire and a Haribo flag then pop over and say hello. :)

Edited by mynameisearl
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Well finally got round to doing our flag! :D

This was the image we decided on.


And this is the final result.


Well chuffed with it especially considering we nearly had a complete disaster on our hands. Leaned over to get something and I knocked a load of pink paint onto the flag! :D We scratched our heads wondering what to do, should we bleach it? Then we came up with the masterstroke of doing the girl cartons legs pink instead of white (the spillage was where her left leg is). Was kicking myself! ;)

So if you see it in Kidney Mead along with a Saltire and a Haribo flag then pop over and say hello. :)

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Yippee all my flag stuff arrived today! Trouble is I now have to wait until next Friday before decorating it! We're having a pre-Glasto party for our group of 10 where everyone gets to daub a bit of paint on or do a letter or something each. Really looking forward to it - we have Brothers in the fridge, sticking the Glasto DVD on in the background, made a few playlists of artists playing, have BBQ at the ready. Admittedly, we could have sorted out the arrangements for travel, food, cooking equipment and stuff over phone or email but somehow that just didn't seem as much fun :lol:

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Yippee all my flag stuff arrived today! Trouble is I now have to wait until next Friday before decorating it! We're having a pre-Glasto party for our group of 10 where everyone gets to daub a bit of paint on or do a letter or something each. Really looking forward to it - we have Brothers in the fridge, sticking the Glasto DVD on in the background, made a few playlists of artists playing, have BBQ at the ready. Admittedly, we could have sorted out the arrangements for travel, food, cooking equipment and stuff over phone or email but somehow that just didn't seem as much fun :D
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I LOVE flags! We bought one of the smiley faces flags last year and we took it everywhere, it is a great way to find people quickly. This year we are gonna make a few changes to it and buy a proper strong pole as it took quite a battering from the crowd :) I allways take into consideration others around me and try not to annoy anybody. :)
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