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Arctic Monkeys and KOL confirmed? :o

Guest oohaahcantona88

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Not that I agree with dev's point of view totally I have had a negative experience of AM fans. When Maximo park headlined the NME tour with AM playing as well the AM fans were a disgrace in Newcastle. They watched AM play and then just buggered off or made sarcastic comments when Maximo came on. I actually enjoyed the AM set (not as much as the Maximo one) but I was not impressed with their fans. Sure not every AM fan is like that though.

I will be disappointed if there is no 'heavier' day but it is not the end of the world and there are other stages where heavier bands will be playing.


Edited by moshing
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Not that I agree with dev's point of view totally I have had a negative experience of AM fans. When Maximo park headlined the NME tour with AM playing as well the AM fans were a disgrace in Newcastle. They watched AM play and then just buggered off or made sarcastic comments when Maximo came on. I actually enjoyed the AM set (not as much as the Maximo one) but I was not impressed with their fans. Sure not every AM fan is like that though.

I will be disappointed if there is no 'heavier' day but it is not the end of the world and there are other stages where heavier bands will be playing.


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Based on people I know to be Arctic Monkeys fans who wouldn't be seen dead at at Iron Maiden/ Metallica/Pearl Jam concert I can see where devbot's coming from.

Without a heavy headliner you're likely to lose a number of alternative/heavy music fans, and with KoL/AM playing they will be replaced with people who are casual fans of that sort of music and have generally got less experience of festivals. Without the interest from the more experienced festival going populace who have been turned off by the line-up it's likely that you'll end up with a greater number of people who are there to get pissed which could lead towards more aggro.

I think it's a legitimate concern, though I don't know how much of an effect it'll actually have.

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Based on people I know to be Arctic Monkeys fans who wouldn't be seen dead at at Iron Maiden/ Metallica/Pearl Jam concert I can see where devbot's coming from.

Without a heavy headliner you're likely to lose a number of alternative/heavy music fans, and with KoL/AM playing they will be replaced with people who are casual fans of that sort of music and have generally got less experience of festivals. Without the interest from the more experienced festival going populace who have been turned off by the line-up it's likely that you'll end up with a greater number of people who are there to get pissed which could lead towards more aggro.

I think it's a legitimate concern, though I don't know how much of an effect it'll actually have.

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And not once in that post did I dispute that people like that exist - and probably in large numbers. I'm seeing Kasabian (who I consider to have a similar fanbase to AM) followed by Metallica next month, and would be quite happy to see Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon and Radiohead headline.

However once you move away from the general rock music fan - the kind that would go to Reading provided it had a solid line-up throughout regardless of who those acts actually were (like I am, and presumably you are) you then have to look at who the specific line-up will attract. Without a heavier headliner - and particularly with the advent of Sonisphere - the festival is likely to lose the music fan who has done a number of festivals and they'll be replaced with Arctic Monkeys / KoL fans who are likely to be less experienced with festivals and live music in general or are just generally "lager-louts" out to see what they've heard on the radio.

Edited by DaveElNino
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Based on people I know to be Arctic Monkeys fans who wouldn't be seen dead at at Iron Maiden/ Metallica/Pearl Jam concert I can see where devbot's coming from.

Without a heavy headliner you're likely to lose a number of alternative/heavy music fans, and with KoL/AM playing they will be replaced with people who are casual fans of that sort of music and have generally got less experience of festivals. Without the interest from the more experienced festival going populace who have been turned off by the line-up it's likely that you'll end up with a greater number of people who are there to get pissed which could lead towards more aggro.

I think it's a legitimate concern, though I don't know how much of an effect it'll actually have.

Edited by ArcticMonkeysUK
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I don't expect all "casual" KoL/AM fans to turn up and cause problems. That'd be a ridiculous generalisation. I just think that with the greater number of them that you'd get without a heavier headliner means that there's a greater chance that the more undesirable element of their fanbase (to quote Alex Turner, those that think because they've had a couple of cans it's alright to act like a dickhead) will cause trouble due to there being a greater number of them.

Still, hopefully it will be Radiohead as the third headliner, billed as their only UK shows of the year and thus attract a large number of Radiohead fans.

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I don't expect all "casual" KoL/AM fans to turn up and cause problems. That'd be a ridiculous generalisation. I just think that with the greater number of them that you'd get without a heavier headliner means that there's a greater chance that the more undesirable element of their fanbase (to quote Alex Turner, those that think because they've had a couple of cans it's alright to act like a dickhead) will cause trouble due to there being a greater number of them.

Still, hopefully it will be Radiohead as the third headliner, billed as their only UK shows of the year and thus attract a large number of Radiohead fans.

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Alright I will stop being a cock for a minute.

Dave has basically expressed the concerns I have in a much better way.

I just feel that it could lead to a 'less-friendly' festival atmosphere due to AM fan's (in my personal experiences) being absolute twats. This could just be the experiences I have had lead me to making this judgement but I believe AM/KoL headlining is bound to attract the more casual, more 'lager-lout' inclined festival goers than usual, no?

As for my dig towards the general fanbases I apologise if I offended anybody.

Radiohead would be brilliant though, i must admit.

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Alright I will stop being a cock for a minute.

Dave has basically expressed the concerns I have in a much better way.

I just feel that it could lead to a 'less-friendly' festival atmosphere due to AM fan's (in my personal experiences) being absolute twats. This could just be the experiences I have had lead me to making this judgement but I believe AM/KoL headlining is bound to attract the more casual, more 'lager-lout' inclined festival goers than usual, no?

As for my dig towards the general fanbases I apologise if I offended anybody.

Radiohead would be brilliant though, i must admit.

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What are you apologising for? You are right regarding the type of people these bands now attract.

I've been a KOL fan since 2003 and and Arctic Monkey fan since I heard the demo's and saw them at Manchester Uni supporting Nine Black Apls.

Unfortunately both Arctics and KOL have now become popular and the type of music they play attracts the once a year gig goers who think its good fun to throw piss, knock people over, fight and have no respect for the people around them.

Both bands have now become the new Oasis, anyone who doesn't think is true obviously never attended the all dayer at Lancashire CC or saw them on their last tours.

In the same way when the tickets go on sale for V with Oasis, Killers, Kasabian and the Enemy, these people scallies are going to see that the likes of Arctics, KOL etc are playing and are "gonna wanna have a slice of that!"

Luckily for Reading and Leeds, the line up is only normally announced just before the tickets go on sale so there will be less of these unsavoury types around and plus your regular Reading/Leeds festival attendees wants to go so there is less chance of them getting weekend tickets but with those two playing it is going to attract them.

In the last 3 years I've been to V Festival and the year Oasis played attracted a much different crowd to the years when Radiohead or Muse headlined. I guarantee that if those two play there will be a difference in the type of person who gets day tickets for the Radiohead day towards those two.

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no metal headliners jus means more metal lower down the bill with the likes of enter shakari etc

IMO opinion reading will never lose its core fan base the people that go year after year will return for the atmosphere if nothing else. The dick heads that are jus there to see one band e.g AM or KOL will always be in the minority.

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sorry, i might be totallllllllllllly wrong

but, the sort of casual music fan that buys kol's new album and keeps it in the chart for months, probably arent gunna be that violent, the people i know who are biggggg arctic monkeys fans, arent gunna be violent.

i can see your point, but the type of "lowey heads" "chavs" "neds" w.e the f**k you want to call them

who like kol and am and have sex on fire as there myspace song,

probably arent gunna be paying 160 quid or however much and travelling to f**king reading just to see them, not the people i know anyway.

i reckon metal-heads are alottttttt more casually violent, in terms of just getting twisted and starting fights, than indie kids. again, might be just the people i know.

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In the last 3 years I've been to V Festival and the year Oasis played attracted a much different crowd to the years when Radiohead or Muse headlined. I guarantee that if those two play there will be a difference in the type of person who gets day tickets for the Radiohead day towards those two.
Edited by Benj
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id say most of the dickheads will have got Oasis tickets already for their own tour and will end up going Leeds and Reading to see Arctics and KOL i presume they have pretty much the same fan base. So i think R/L will be more effected than V festival i may be wrong.

If the reading line-up gets released before V tickets go on sale, i reckon it will definitely be this situation.

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Defo see the point trying to be put across here

I have seen Arctic Monkeys 3 times and one of them was at Old trafford a few years ago. Where there were some 'yobs' they were all mostly well behaved and was a good atmosphere. However, i saw them again in the December of that year at the Evening News Arena in Manchestr and found myself surrounded by full on chavs smoking weed, throwing piss and generly kicking off. Wasnt a gr8 experience but can see there are people like that who go to Arctic Monkeys gigs. There will be some of the at Reading but have been to alot more yobish gigs and think that at a festival there is too much good to be annoyed by them. Same goes for Kings of Leon. People who loved the first 3 albums of Kings will go and love it. Once again, people whom like sex on fire and think they discovered kings of leon on radio 1. But these people who go to the festival for Kings will be silly mid 30's women jst screaming sex of fire out for the whole gig. Thankfully i will be down the front so wont hear(hopefully).

With Oasis playing V(which i wish i could afford to go to this year as will be the 1st V since they last played that i havent gone to) it will most prob more lager louts will go there instead. Kings ae becoming the new 'in thing' that these people go for and i cant stand it for a band with a much deeper fanbase. For Kings fans- saw them in Birmingham in December and was down the front with fans who jst wanted 2 hear the 1st 3 albums basically, but kept seeing either lager louts or 16 year old girl in high heal down the front. Genuinly saw some lipgloss down the front and someone as if Wasted Time was a new B-Side. Its not just the lager louts that come, it is also the lager louts mouthy wife's that come along lol

On metal fans, have found they are some of nicest people around. Yes, there are some that kick off but isnt that the same with all fans and groups. Was at Reading last year and found myself constantly annoyed by indie/new rave scenesters that were round and generally being morons. However, on the sunday i was surounded by older metal fans who were there for the like of Metallica.This was i think the best atmosphere of the festival and remember it fondly when sitting in the sunshine in the arena with a few Beers watchin Feeder with all metal fans basically and having a gr8 time.

Turned into a slight rant that but-

Metal fans- Good people mostly

Indie fans- alot of real fans but just as likely if not more to kick off

Lager fans- more likely at V but shud be few and far between


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I'm really not sure why so many people on here feel the need to classify the headliners as one genre or another. Surely if the music is good then who cares about the genre and what certain fans of certain genres act like, isn't everyone just there to enjoy themselves anyway? If it isn't to people's tastes then fair dos but I'm sure there'd be something on elsewhere, even if it's not necessarily watching a band.

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