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In the spirit of good will and human rights.....

Guest hypnotiseme

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This is what part of Glastonbury is all about - partying and campaigning for the bettering of people's lives worldwide.

Muntazer al-Zaidi (the journalist who threw this shoes at George Bush) is expected to be charged with insulting a foreign leader, which carries a prison sentence of up to two years. This is an absolute disgrace and violation against basic human rights.

Lets make it know that we are disgusted with this treatment and demand action and freedom for Muntazer al-Zaidi!

Please show a little support and join the Facebook group in protest!



See you all in a field in around 18 weeks

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i hate george bush and all he stands for as much as the next dude- but the journalist was just a bit silly- at the end of the day it was common assault and he should expect to be punished. Of course 2 years is a bit harsh, but i'd be amazed if he got that, and he knew the consequences.

And joining a facebook group to campaign against anything has about as much point as a chocolate teapot

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Well if you'd like to suggest another way of making a, fair enough, small contribution i'd like to hear them. If not then whats wrong with doing this little thing?

Its assault yes, but not something that should be charged with a prison sentence, let alone 2 years inside. I'm rather suprised at your attitudes he did something to symbolise people's disgust and horror to the thousands of deaths caused by Bush. He deserved worse stuff be thrown at him in all honesty.

I'm sure if M Eavis or your favourite celebrity or band endorsed this then you'd jump on the bandwagon straight away.

Edited by hypnotiseme
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george W Bush is the greatest living person on the planet.

just look at whats been achieved under his watch.

Terrorism - Defeated

Iraq - Democracy Installed

Afghanistan - See Iraq

Human Rights - More widely availble than ever befor

Climate Change - Conquered and reversed

Africa - Starvaion Abolished.

and that idiot of journalist throws his shoes at the God that is W. hes lucky if he only gets 2 years, if i had my way, id string him up in public, but down to georges policys, this no longer happens in the middle east!!

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i was a bit more annoyed about him being beaten to shit when he was arrested. I think going to jail is fairly acceptable considering. I did love the big statue of a shoe that was made in iraq for him! I'll find the link with a piccy.
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Well if you'd like to suggest another way of making a, fair enough, small contribution i'd like to hear them. If not then whats wrong with doing this little thing?

Its assault yes, but not something that should be charged with a prison sentence, let alone 2 years inside. I'm rather suprised at your attitudes he did something to symbolise people's disgust and horror to the thousands of deaths caused by Bush. He deserved worse stuff be thrown at him in all honesty.

I'm sure if M Eavis or your favourite celebrity or band endorsed this then you'd jump on the bandwagon straight away.

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You just answered your own question - "exactly what little contribution is joining a facebook group making apart from letting other people know how you feel?"

"I for sure don't agree with the way the subsequent conflict has been handled- but no anti-bush, anti war campaigners ever seem to provide an alternative solution"

- I've noticed that people who don't agree with anti-war/bush whatever always have the same argument that we don't know what we're talking about. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, i just wanted to see if anyone would join and feel the same way i do...obviously not, to me you all sound like xenophobic capitalists who like to have a moan (without trying to insult/offend).

I really wish i hadn't bothered

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exactly what little contribution is joining a facebook group making apart from letting other people know how you feel?

and he threw a shoe to 'symbolise people's digust and horror to the thousands of deaths caused by bush'- he's a journalist- i thought the pen was mightier than the sword

i have a question- what would have been a sensible reaction by the west to 9/11?

I for sure don't agree with the way the subsequent conflict has been handled- but no anti-bush, anti war campaigners ever seem to provide an alternative solution

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You just answered your own question - "exactly what little contribution is joining a facebook group making apart from letting other people know how you feel?"

"I for sure don't agree with the way the subsequent conflict has been handled- but no anti-bush, anti war campaigners ever seem to provide an alternative solution"

- I've noticed that people who don't agree with anti-war/bush whatever always have the same argument that we don't know what we're talking about. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, i just wanted to see if anyone would join and feel the same way i do...obviously not, to me you all sound like xenophobic capitalists who like to have a moan (without trying to insult/offend).

I really wish i hadn't bothered

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i have a question- what would have been a sensible reaction by the west to 9/11?

I for sure don't agree with the way the subsequent conflict has been handled- but no anti-bush, anti war campaigners ever seem to provide an alternative solution

> what would have been a sensible reaction by the west to 9/11?

to go after those responsible, and not launch random wars using 9/11 as an excuse. :P

If UK was to operate on the same basis as the USA or Israel, we'd have nuked Belfast and Eire for the IRAs doings, and would have bombed the shit out of Leeds for the London bombs. <_<

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> what would have been a sensible reaction by the west to 9/11?

to go after those responsible, and not launch random wars using 9/11 as an excuse. <_<

If UK was to operate on the same basis as the USA or Israel, we'd have nuked Belfast and Eire for the IRAs doings, and would have bombed the shit out of Leeds for the London bombs. :P

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you all make it sound so easy- just go after the perpetrators...surely that's what they did- but wasn't finding them a little tricky considering the terrain, and the support network enjoyed by al-quaeda in afghanistan, pakistan, iraq etc?

i don't want to give you the wrong impression here....it's tragic and horrendous that there were so many civilian casualties- but war brings civilian casualties does it not?

fu.ck it- i have no solution, my knowledge of world politics is not good, which is why i have no idea of a solution to a problem like this- but it seems that no one does

what's Obama's way of dealing with this? anyone know?

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Here is my naive view on the matter

as much as i dislike Bush, its assault he should go to prison/be tried (though in no way should he have been beaten up on capture), frankly he won't get 2 years and he will be adored world wide on his release.

As for the rash decision and no alternative from us anti bush

A radical step perhaps but the legalisation/decriminalisation of drugs (irrelevantly would solve many of the worlds problems, along with cause a few (though i believe these could be ironed out)) in relation to Afghanistan, the legal growth of opium poppies would undermine and wither Al quaeda from the inside, as a huge percentage of their funding is based in the drug trade as much of the black market is. In turn we would have had a far smaller invasion if any and thousands less innocent mortalities, and a crop which they can live on therefore not look elsewhere and towards extremism

I'm probably missing a crucial flaw somewhere but thats my 2 cents

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