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Guest ErnestWorthing

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Coldplay would be great, Friday more likely as NY not a convincing headliner in the UK (but would be for me) and need not be Pyramid anyway.

Oh no just thought, what if CP clash with NY, what a nightmare.

I have never understood why CP seem to attract such much negativety. I am not a serious fan but really love a few of their songs, many of which are very complex so why are they written off as "coffee table" music. Yes CM does over play it a bit on stage but I do not think he takes himself that seriously.

Please do not use this post as another starting point for "I hate CP" series of posts. If you do not like them then just ignore them.

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I would be watching if they where there but if they are I hope that they would be playin the fri nite as it would still be possible that the artics would be playing the sat nite b4 springsteen. Givin the choice I would have the artics over CP, but to have both in the mix would be a bonus.

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Coldplay would be great, Friday more likely as NY not a convincing headliner in the UK (but would be for me) and need not be Pyramid anyway.

Oh no just thought, what if CP clash with NY, what a nightmare.

I have never understood why CP seem to attract such much negativety. I am not a serious fan but really love a few of their songs, many of which are very complex so why are they written off as "coffee table" music. Yes CM does over play it a bit on stage but I do not think he takes himself that seriously.

Please do not use this post as another starting point for "I hate CP" series of posts. If you do not like them then just ignore them.

Edited by Tugger2k
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its not about 'hating' coldplay for me, i find them innofensive enough, and really enjoyed their 2002 slot.

its about the fact that they will have headlined the main stage 3 times out of the last 8 festivals.

why not just re-name it the coldplay festival of contemporary performing arts. im sooooooooooooooooo bored of them.

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As regards missing out on Bruce. Tis a silly idea mate. Rectify that immediately.

As regards the Reds. Agreed. We don't deserve to win the Zenith Data Systems Cup with that Spanish Pantaloon at the helm.

As regards the Blues. Go and shite. B)

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I want Young to headline aswell. :lol:

regards coldplay, I like them, but only really the album stuff, not so much the singles...parachutes is a pretty good album imo, and parts of rush of blood is aswell. The latter material not so.

I think these songs are all pretty good tho:

politik, god put a smile on your face, spies, high speed, we never change, sparks, a rush of blood to the head, green eyes, amsterdam, parachutes, everything's not lost.

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It might well be Coldplay but I refuse to believe that Coldplay will play above Neil Young.

If Emily said Coldplay weren't headlining a while back, then presumably they were a late addition.

If they were a late addition then Neil Young was presumably close to confirming before Coldplay were.

I REALLY doubt they would risk Neil Young cancelling (when they obviously so badly want him) by forcing him to move down a slot, or change days to play on the Saturday. Especially since Coldplay which has played multiple times before and would be happy to play on a subsequent year. Michael Eavis said 2 headliners for saturday, this could possibly change I suppose. But I still think Neil Young will be a last-act-of-the-night headliner.

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It might well be Coldplay but I refuse to believe that Coldplay will play above Neil Young.

If Emily said Coldplay weren't headlining a while back, then presumably they were a late addition.

If they were a late addition then Neil Young was presumably close to confirming before Coldplay were.

I REALLY doubt they would risk Neil Young cancelling (when they obviously so badly want him) by forcing him to move down a slot, or change days to play on the Saturday. Especially since Coldplay which has played multiple times before and would be happy to play on a subsequent year. Michael Eavis said 2 headliners for saturday, this could possibly change I suppose. But I still think Neil Young will be a last-act-of-the-night headliner.

Emily defo said Coldplay weren't a headliner:


If they are now playing, then I think it's safe to assume that whatever Coldplay might have had planned for late June isn't happening, and went back to Glasto themselves saying they were available after all.

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Emily defo said Coldplay weren't a headliner:


If they are now playing, then I think it's safe to assume that whatever Coldplay might have had planned for late June isn't happening, and went back to Glasto themselves saying they were available after all.

Edited by peteyboy
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So if Coldplay 'added' to the lineup after Neil Young, then presumably Neil Young would have been promised a top slot. Since this might be the only time he ever plays Glastonbury, I don't think the organisers would bump him down for a band who have headlined twice before. They aren't that stupid surely?

Difficult one to answer this is.

In theory, Glastonbury don't do "headliners", unless an act has a huge ego and demands it written into their contract (hello Rod :lol:). However, I do think it's likely that Glasto will have approached the headline acts and asked them to be the headline acts.

Whether or not they'd then feel able to approach one of those acts and say "actually, would you mind playing second from top instead" would, I guess, depend on how they thought that act would take it. I personally think they'd have been unlikely to do that with NY, purely because they've been trying so hard to get him to Pilton for years and years.

However ..... the headline acts were not signed and sealed in mid-January, and Coldplay had their UK summer stuff (if not the non-UK stuff) sorted by early December, so it's quite possible that the conversations had with NY &/or 'his people' had only been about whether he'd play (rather than where he'd play) at the time that Coldplay made clear they were available (that is, if they're available), so it might be that no bumping down needed to be done.

However, the word going around and reaching my ears of what was happening at that time very definitely said that NY was the headliner, so it defo seems that he was being thought of for the last slot and not another band.

Edited by eFestivals
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I caught a snippet of the music news on Kerrang Radio on the way home from work. It said that Elbow had let slip the identity of one of the Glasto Headliners. Frustratingly they didn't say who Elbow had revealed. I can't find anything online that refers to this revelation. Has anyone here heard anything related to this or any links to articles on this?

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I caught a snippet of the music news on Kerrang Radio on the way home from work. It said that Elbow had let slip the identity of one of the Glasto Headliners. Frustratingly they didn't say who Elbow had revealed. I can't find anything online that refers to this revelation. Has anyone here heard anything related to this or any links to articles on this?
Edited by TaylorT
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I'm hoping this is true. Not because I want to see Coldplay, far from it, they bore me rigid. But - I really want to see Neil Young and I'm convinced there's going to be someone else I really want to see headlining T'other stage. If for instance there was a NY/Flaming Lips clash I would be mortified.

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we have had many and long conversations regarding the boss, and i choose not to.

however i have a deep fear in the pit of my stomach that my GF my stamp her feet and insist that we go and see him, in that case, she'll find out who's boss :( ie her :P

and i'd like to see everton do well this year, not that i follow em.

i support a team thats going to win the 1st trophy of the season

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Nooooooooo :( Tugger mate, let her go on her own. You can spend the three hours in the company of some daft scottish lads and a shedload of cider :P

What if the Springsteen set is the same time as Doves and Faithless on the Other Stage :lol:

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