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Efests Glastonbury Spotify

Guest robith

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anyone else notice the frequency and length of adverts is on the rise ;) :angry:

just had 3 adverts in a row lasting about 20 seconds a piece

tut tut spotify

Edit: getting at least two adverts every 2-3 songs now. very very annoying

Edited by johntrfc
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First of all, if anyone isn't using spotify, I usggest you get to www.spotify.com toot sweet, as it's now open to all UK users.

It's an appliction that looks a bit like itunes and that you can search any music and stream it off the net. It's also completely legal as the tracks added have been added by record labels and the artists get paid as it's ad or subscription funded. I can't say highly enough it's an utterly amazing way of discovering music, especially if you link it to your last.fm account.

Anyhoo, in light of last year's mix CD deabcle (I organised yet I didn't receive a single CD, and no one reported to have received mine :lol: ) and posts from people saying they want to discover bands before Glasto, I've created an efests spotify playlist.

I've been through the rumours list and added songs of all the bands listed that are on spotify. Some acts I don't know so well, so I just added the most popular songs.

I'm going to try and keep it up to date up to when we have the line up so hopefully it will be a resource for people to dip in and maybe discover something new for Glastonbury.

I've also made it a collaborative playlist, so you guys can add tracks, but please don't delete loads of stuff as it's taken me ages to make this.

You need to download spotify first, but onceyou have it, open this link

Efest Glasto Spotify Playlist

Enjoy, and I'll keep it up to date for you all

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What he said, but no more than 5 songs per artist and only acts that are listed on the efestivals rumours page. I want it to be interactive, but people have messed around with it before, but seem to have gotten the message now. But if it gets messed up again, I'll turn collaboration off, and nobody wants that
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