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So - what's changed in 19 years?

Guest elias

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I know this will seem strange in the extreme to many of you, but this will be our first Glastonbury for 19 years. I guess a little explanation is required.

My wife and I have been to Glastonbury 3 times before - 1984, 1989 and 1990. In the early days you could camp by your car. I remember in 1984 it rained from the time we arrived until the time we left. Spent most of our time in the Cabaret tent because it was dry! It was also pretty cold and at one point we sat in the car with the heater on to warm up. A friend that was with us decided he needed to wash his already wet socks. We had no water near us, but a flagon of scrumpy was available (why wouldn't it be?) Anyway, he decided to wash his socks in the cider and place them on the car heater to dry out. Believe me, the smell of 3 day old socks washed in cider and drying on a car heater is not something I would wish on my worst enemy. :P

Many things happened over the next few years, including getting marriage and having a family, 2 girls. We always said we would take the girls to Glastonbury when they were little, but never got around to it somehow. They are now 18 and 15 and finding their own musical interests. Visits to T in the Park and Womad in the last couple of years have rekindled our interest in festivals, so we thought this year would be the time to dip our toes back into the sparkling Glastonbury waters.

By absolute fluke it appears that Bruce Springsteen may well be headlining this year. As he's one of my favourite artists in the whole world I'm as happy as a pig in excrement.

So, what will I find different from 1990? Anything better? Worse?

By the way, I've often wondered what you all look like. Here's a few of us:


O2 wireless


T in the park





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A bit like you I had a break between late 80s and went back in 2005 with my 9 yr old and every year that it has run since...

I remember the 1984 rain (or was it 85??), and camping next to the car, the market place was just a single row of stalls...I think Joe Bananas was there, and the cider bus...and it helped to be able to park next to the tents, we ran our sound systems off the car battery and slept in the car when the cotton tents eventually collapsed. I remember little noise control, and Dub seemed to play all night long, drugs were openly available, hot knives, bongs and etc...

For me, the one thing that has changed, and was probably one of the reasons that I stopped going in the first place, was that it seemed to become a dangerous, or at least very threatening place, too many menacing guys walking around in hoods/balaclavas and carrying baseball bats being a bit too pushy trying to offload their drugs...there is none of that anymore...

Now, its bigger, none of the heavy drug stuff, for me its much more relaxed. In 2005 I was worried that it wasnt going to be like the old days. But it hasnt lost some of that old magic....

Go off and find a quite corner in the healing/green fields and close yr eyes, it could easily be the 80s, oh and last year I spent quite a lot of time in the Park...again, its a bit like a retro-Glasto place up there....nice....

And I still camp in the same place that I used to in the 80s, Cockmills...no cars though...

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A bit like you I had a break between late 80s and went back in 2005 with my 9 yr old and every year that it has run since...

I remember the 1984 rain (or was it 85??), and camping next to the car, the market place was just a single row of stalls...I think Joe Bananas was there, and the cider bus...and it helped to be able to park next to the tents, we ran our sound systems off the car battery and slept in the car when the cotton tents eventually collapsed. I remember little noise control, and Dub seemed to play all night long, drugs were openly available, hot knives, bongs and etc...

For me, the one thing that has changed, and was probably one of the reasons that I stopped going in the first place, was that it seemed to become a dangerous, or at least very threatening place, too many menacing guys walking around in hoods/balaclavas and carrying baseball bats being a bit too pushy trying to offload their drugs...there is none of that anymore...

Now, its bigger, none of the heavy drug stuff, for me its much more relaxed. In 2005 I was worried that it wasnt going to be like the old days. But it hasnt lost some of that old magic....

Go off and find a quite corner in the healing/green fields and close yr eyes, it could easily be the 80s, oh and last year I spent quite a lot of time in the Park...again, its a bit like a retro-Glasto place up there....nice....

And I still camp in the same place that I used to in the 80s, Cockmills...no cars though...

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Main differences I've noticed:

1. The site is HUGE now

2. Less obvious drug dealers

3. More people everywhere

4. More food and drink options

5. More stages

6. All the bridges are actual bridges, not just planks of wood :)

7. You have to park miles from your tent, so try to park near the monorail terminal

8. Less nudity :P

9. A stone circle

10. Mobile phones

Some things are better, some not.

A different festival than 1990, but still the best.

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For me, the one thing that has changed, and was probably one of the reasons that I stopped going in the first place, was that it seemed to become a dangerous, or at least very threatening place, too many menacing guys walking around in hoods/balaclavas and carrying baseball bats being a bit too pushy trying to offload their drugs...there is none of that anymore...
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I went 87,89,90 (I think??) and then 2007, 08 and sorted for this year. Everything they say is true, with bells on. You are going to have such a good time. In some ways I am glad I had such a long break, because I appreciate it so much more. My wife had never been before 2007 and kind of came with me to shut me up. Now we are doing 3-5 festies a year and she never stops talking about Glasto, which we selfishly do without the kids and stay from Wednesday to Monday :P

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Much more like the other festivals you've been to recently than you would have dared to think in 1990. But it still makes all other festivals look like they are trying to catch up (though the lead is narrowing year by year as Glasto trudges inexorably to the centre ground and the others try to be a bit more alternative).

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88 i think was our first and 05 our last at present

where do i start i guess the first big thing you will notice is the super fence and the amount of rent a mob patroling it but once inside its really got just well expanded with a few more stages and lots more people although you will find the class of people has changed lots more kids these days than say alternative types .also no one sells drugs openly as they used to on the bridges between the fields

basically it has had to clean up a bit to keep going which has made it better and worse in varius ways

still a great place and missing it badly but kids exams and this year probable redundancy have kept us away :unsure:

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