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you wot you wootttt

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excellent, a bit of patronising middle class sneering about people. They eat at macdonalds, they have prams., they listen to speed garage. F***ing hilarious. You're clearly superior.

It's your tolerance and love of humanity in all its forms that makes Glastonbury such a special place. Or maybe we shouldn't allow anyone you don't consider suitable to come to Glastonbury? I'm sure you've got an idea of a different sort of camp they should be kept in?

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excellent, a bit of patronising middle class sneering about people. They eat at macdonalds, they have prams., they listen to speed garage. F***ing hilarious. You're clearly superior.

It's your tolerance and love of humanity in all its forms that makes Glastonbury such a special place. Or maybe we shouldn't allow anyone you don't consider suitable to come to Glastonbury? I'm sure you've got an idea of a different sort of camp they should be kept in?

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In what way do you feel you're better and you can look down on other people? Why do some people deserve to be 'looked down' on. It must be absolutely terrible for you to be 'surrounded' by them 5 days a week. My heart bleeds for you.

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How old are you? because you wouldn't be speaking like this if you were my age

A "chav" is a word made up by people young people to describe the scum bags gangster wannabes who make alot of young peoples lives hell.

Wether its them hanging outside my local chippy shouting abuse as people as they walk past or smoking weed and playing there shit music on the back of the bus in their gangs

Oh and dont forget the 'happy slapping' what went on few years back when i was at school

So ill look down on who i want mate

You dont seem to understand who were talking about when we say 'chav'

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i agree too...his comments about it being bad looking down on people are entirely unjustified? What about paedos and stuff? Basically, i think that not all chavs are dickheads, not atall, and the word chav is just that , a word. But there are a big lot of people who go round beating up people for no reason and being disrespectful to everyone and call them what you want, i dont like them. Not because of the clothes they wear or the music they ilke or the background they are from, but of because what they are trying so hard to be and being general twats.

And Mardy, your not even UK based! How can you possibly know what 'they' are like?

not having a go =]

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