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The Killers are shit - official thread

Guest lighty2

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You only have to hear what is definitely the worst single of the year "Human" to realise that the Killers are shit - utter bollox. If it comes on the radio i have to turn it off. I did give them a chance when they first came out and went to see them on the NME tour a few years ago because someone said they were a "bit New Order-y" but walked out half way through. I just don't get it........ and the lead singer is a humourless tit with no charisma.

And if V do announce Coldplay as the other headliner it will prove my next point...... Where's the magic or spark when V choose this year's headline act - The Killers are the same band who played 2 years ago?.... Maybe i'm wrong but they don't seem to have any creative ideas.

Check out Bestival's line up - Kraftwerk, Massive Attack, MGMT - now i'm not saying all those acts are suitable for V but at least they show they have and ability to not just go for the same acts time and time again...and yes i know Massive Attack played V a few years ago.

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You only have to hear what is definitely the worst single of the year "Human" to realise that the Killers are shit - utter bollox. If it comes on the radio i have to turn it off. I did give them a chance when they first came out and went to see them on the NME tour a few years ago because someone said they were a "bit New Order-y" but walked out half way through. I just don't get it........ and the lead singer is a humourless tit with no charisma.

And if V do announce Coldplay as the other headliner it will prove my next point...... Where's the magic or spark when V choose this year's headline act - The Killers are the same band who played 2 years ago?.... Maybe i'm wrong but they don't seem to have any creative ideas.

Check out Bestival's line up - Kraftwerk, Massive Attack, MGMT - now i'm not saying all those acts are suitable for V but at least they show they have and ability to not just go for the same acts time and time again...and yes i know Massive Attack played V a few years ago.

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You only have to hear what is definitely the worst single of the year "Human" to realise that the Killers are shit - utter bollox. If it comes on the radio i have to turn it off. I did give them a chance when they first came out and went to see them on the NME tour a few years ago because someone said they were a "bit New Order-y" but walked out half way through. I just don't get it........ and the lead singer is a humourless tit with no charisma.

And if V do announce Coldplay as the other headliner it will prove my next point...... Where's the magic or spark when V choose this year's headline act - The Killers are the same band who played 2 years ago?.... Maybe i'm wrong but they don't seem to have any creative ideas.

Check out Bestival's line up - Kraftwerk, Massive Attack, MGMT - now i'm not saying all those acts are suitable for V but at least they show they have and ability to not just go for the same acts time and time again...and yes i know Massive Attack played V a few years ago.

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Although agree safe booking and to date their sound system never seems good at festies but this is hardly their fault, to state they are utter s**t is a bit harsh tbh

Own shows are realy good and I for one are looking forward to seeing them in a weeks time at MEN, agree new album well is poppy compared to last few albums and is just different sound rather than god damn awful....

There are alot worse than Killer and they will draw good crowd, although won't be me as gonna see something else at V as seeing them already

Oh lighty2 I think you will find Coldplay is not other headliner it's Oasis (as coldplay elsewhere V w/end thx god) - keep up me dear ;0)

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Although agree safe booking and to date their sound system never seems good at festies but this is hardly their fault, to state they are utter s**t is a bit harsh tbh

Own shows are realy good and I for one are looking forward to seeing them in a weeks time at MEN, agree new album well is poppy compared to last few albums and is just different sound rather than god damn awful....

There are alot worse than Killer and they will draw good crowd, although won't be me as gonna see something else at V as seeing them already

Oh lighty2 I think you will find Coldplay is not other headliner it's Oasis (as coldplay elsewhere V w/end thx god) - keep up me dear ;0)

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I saw the Killers a couple of years ago and thought they were excellent so am going back on Monday night. I agree that the new album is not as good as the first 2 but they put on a good show and to say they're shit is a bit harsh but each to their own!!

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You only have to hear what is definitely the worst single of the year "Human" to realise that the Killers are shit - utter bollox. If it comes on the radio i have to turn it off. I did give them a chance when they first came out and went to see them on the NME tour a few years ago because someone said they were a "bit New Order-y" but walked out half way through. I just don't get it........ and the lead singer is a humourless tit with no charisma.

And if V do announce Coldplay as the other headliner it will prove my next point...... Where's the magic or spark when V choose this year's headline act - The Killers are the same band who played 2 years ago?.... Maybe i'm wrong but they don't seem to have any creative ideas.

Check out Bestival's line up - Kraftwerk, Massive Attack, MGMT - now i'm not saying all those acts are suitable for V but at least they show they have and ability to not just go for the same acts time and time again...and yes i know Massive Attack played V a few years ago.

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Yet another negative post. It's getting a bit boring really. If you don't like the Killers don't watch them. If you don't like the acts at V then go to one of the many other brilliant festivals with the type of music you might appreciate.

It may not be your cup of tea but V will always go for the mainstream stuff and will sell out year on year. I'd also say the vast majority of people that go will probably enjoy themselves.

I'm not a fan of the Killers but actually quite enjoyed them last time they were there. Not everyone will agree but that's the good thing about music, that we all like different things. That's also why there is more than one stage.

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Yet another negative post. It's getting a bit boring really. If you don't like the Killers don't watch them. If you don't like the acts at V then go to one of the many other brilliant festivals with the type of music you might appreciate.

It may not be your cup of tea but V will always go for the mainstream stuff and will sell out year on year. I'd also say the vast majority of people that go will probably enjoy themselves.

I'm not a fan of the Killers but actually quite enjoyed them last time they were there. Not everyone will agree but that's the good thing about music, that we all like different things. That's also why there is more than one stage.

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what about mr shiteside, weve all had the displeasure of having this song rammed down our throats from every angle for the past 5 years, sure it was great back then but now i think id rather watch animal porn than listen to that crap. i wouldent mind watching them play ?this is the only good thing that that weve done? though

ok ill end the negativity there B)

edit: the question marks are suppost to be a quotation, however my ps3 must not work very well with them?

Edited by rhysieg
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If you're a fan of The Killers why are you posting in this thread??

Good 1st album, average 2nd album, utterly w*nk 3rd album.

Seen them 3 times...1st time on the NME tour where they were average, at V last time when they were average & at Leeds last year cause' a mate wanted to see them (for the 1st time) & I don't like the Manics so I agreed, they were average. Nothing really bad about ther performance but definately nothing memorable either.

They're this generations Duran Duran.

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Christ! Some of you right fussy bastards! If you don't want to go to see them, don't go to V! Try something different and go to another festival where they won't be there. Why complain when we were all 99.9% certain this was going to happen?

Yes, they may not cut the mustard for some; but they're a huge and popular band. They'll still be thousands that want to go to see them. Including me.

If you're that passionate about V, go write to organisers. Ranting off here isn't going to get you anywhere but get crap thrown back in your face.

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I loved Hot Fuss, and thought everything else since was just bland/weird, and so if I go this yr il defo be watching someone else...

HOWEVER, I still think its too soon for them to be headling again (I assume they will be headlining as I cant see them on the C4 stage). They played in 07, and now again in 09 - its just too soon in my opinion. Nevermind, the beauty of festivals is that there is always someone else to watch or something else to do

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'Human' is one of the most disgracefully shite songs there's ever been though. I had the displeasure of travelling in the car of a Killers fan the other day, and he had the album on, and after four tracks I threw up on his 1 year old daughter's face. That's how bad they currently are (I quite like some of their older stuff).
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From a big Killers fan, I agree that having them on again this year is a bad call, not for me as I persoanlly love their shows but if I was not a fan and it was someone like Coldplay, Oasis or U2 on the twice in 2 year's I would be going mad, but there are the other stages, tents I think they do have a good choice on the other stages if you don't always like the main acts.

If Bestival is soooo fantastic and V soooooo shite, why even waste your time being negative about the announcement, just concnetrate on what makes you happy, BESTIVAl, it's not brain science.

I am persoanlly attending both for different reasons, as there are negatives and positives about both festivals.

Opinions are like arse holes.

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To be honest, I did kind of groan when I heard one of the headliners was gonna be The Killers. I went to see them at Birmingham LG Arena on Friday and they were good but I just didn't feel right about them headlining.

Oh well, hopefully there will be other bands there that I love to compensate for it! ;)

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