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The Obscure Vs The Mainstream (4 lack of a better word)

Guest hugohughes

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I've been reading through the posts on this forum 4 a week or so now an a lot of people seem 2 refer 2 the more obscure areas of the festival and the Pyramid/Other stage as if they r mutually exclusive. I've been going 2 Glasto 4 about 10 years(obviously not including the rest years) and seen most of the headliners, these tend 2b finished not long after midnight which then gives me about 6 hours 2 drift in2 the crazy abyss that is Glastonbury in the early hours.

I'm curious as 2 what I'm missing by staying 4 the headline acts before exploring, and do I need 2b trying things differently this year.

I understand that music preference can play a big part in this decision but I tend 2 enjoy the music wherever I am so its more about the surroundings and the atmosphere 4 me than who's actually playing.

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Sounds to me like you've had great festivals and not "missed out" at all :unsure:

I tend to be the opposite to you and miss most of the headline acts down on the main stages, preferring to wander around in the Green Fields and catch acts at the Small World Stage. I would say it's worth doing this one later afternoon if you've never done so. I "discovered" a love for folk I never knew I had doing this.

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You know after all the aggression and rubbish that has appeared in recent weeks on these boards it is wonderful to get a thread which simply seeks an exchange of views as to how best to enjoy the experience. I have been years where the music may not appear to my tastes (this year is!) but wandering around is the thrill of what is the best festival in the UK. Hooray for this thread - lets keep it at the top and remind everyone how we all experience the joy in our own individual way - never been to Bimble Inn so on my list. Well done hugohughes for making me smile. Bring on June!

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I do like a nice wander of the site after the main stages shut down, however I always find my way back to The Bimble Inn. I found it at End of the Road a few years back and was overjoyed when I realised it was also at Glasto - however it does seem to move about each year, but hopefully its settled for a while in the Park. I always have a smile on my face at Glasto but that smile gets a tiny bit wider on entering the Bimble Inn. Much fun :P

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I'm usually mashed not too long after the headliners on the main stages & the closest I've been to exploring is the en route to the stone cirlce.

This year though I will make an effort to visits such gems as Shangri-la & Trash city, after hearing the raving reviews about them last year I feel like I have missed out.

So I can't wait to explore a lot more this year after lights out. :P

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