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Lets swap Snow Patrol for Kasabian

Guest Rhyscot

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NIN would of been good but lets go nuts and just book Metallica, Enter Sandman to finish the festival would be the end of an awesome evening and a proper throw back to my youth.

Or could go topical and end the festival with Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), it's how I used to end my sets, kinda wraps things up nicely.

I would love to see some harder rock bands or the big rock groups do V but unfortunately they don't gel so well with the pop acts, can you imagine The Ting Tings and Velvet Revolver or Slipknot on the same bill, Mick would scare The Saturdays sh*tless... I think the organisers tend to steer clear of anything edgy and stay a bit radio friendly - which is why the Foo Fighters worked so well, hard rock and radio friendly anthems.

Alexx you are allowed KFS (Knife, Fork & Spoon) once more kidda... although to those thinking Snow Patrol are for girls, the recce plt used to use Ways & Means as a bit of an anthem and we are hardly a bunch of girls now are we (well apart from having compacts full of cam cream).

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Well I make a DVD of V every year and pack facebook with the vids so I may have to work out some kind of exchange with you!

Anyway if your hearing has returned by V then Kirk has turned down his amp since I last saw him!

Anyway as for a different group rest assured if another big act pulls out V will probably replace them with Miley Ray bloody Cyrus!

Edited by staffsknot
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Deal. Hearing hasn't quite returned from 26th Feb, so don't think Kirk has turned his amp down... Though it was the tamest crowd in the world ever!! Going for the full pit experience at Sonisphere!!

Edited by Time_Lord75
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Good on you, although I don't want to think about metal at the minute, am still recovering from Ireland's grand slam and all the Magners I drank in celebration - honourary Irish by proximity to Irish mates!

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Ooh, don't even go there.

Just type 5 little letters on your keyboard and take away the sexism, all men are in my bad book today, and I'm feeling very, very aggressive. Don't make me threaten to mutilate your genitals with a bread knife :ph34r:

There is quite clearly no logical explanation why the music you listen to effects your masculinity, and surely listening to emotional music would make a man more attractive as he isn't afraid to show his emotions?

Disclaimer; I'm actually a nice person, promise. I'm just annoyed at various males today, sorry. And admittedly not all their music is that good, but beige can be good sometimes.

Edited by guyfawkes
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