I'll put you a tenner on it. But you need to define negligible, especially since I was specifically stating this as an 'if they continue to close the gap!' At the moment there's still a £2 difference, which is 'probably' enough of an incentive to give inexperienced youngsters an opportunity.
But yeh, I'll still put a tenner on it, if youth unemployment goes up at all next year, you donate a tenner to my chosen charity, and if it doesn't or it drops, I'll donate to yours. 🙂 That's a bet I'll take, as I do think overall unemployment figures will rise, and thus, so will youth unemployment.
Edited: Changed it to a tenner... Feeling flush haha
Never going to happen, to much ego and maybe would alienate as you say. FFS they even shut down the other 2 largest venues to try and force you to watch them.
Not as bad as it used to be re core fan base. In the early days the majority of punters wouldn’t even bother turning up until Sunday afternoon