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Seasick Steve..

Guest Cal91

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Monday, March 23, 2009

V Festival gigs cancelled

As some of you have noticed, Steve is no longer playing at V Festival. Steve and I want to convey are most sincere apologies to those that were hoping to see Steve at V.

Unofficially, what happened is that the folks at V Festival reneged on their contract with Steve and he got bumped by Taylor Swift. SO, if you have any questions or complaints, please direct them at the V Festival organisers.

Again, very sorry.

-The Skunk =(

Taken from his myspace page.

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V you're dickheads, and Steve well you've pretty much given a big f**k you to everyone who wanted to see you, but well done for having the backbone and heart and not be all about the cash

But what a shit way to pull out, because V f**ked him over, that sucks

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I've also heard rumour they were trying to tell him what songs would fit in with the 'show', whether that's true or not I don't know but apparently V pretty much went at this treating him how he dresses and he has a lot more backing and clout than they gave him credit for. Anyway booked a ticket for Saturday Hard Rock Calling - should be good getting that Hobo Low. Also have heard about his set being shortened to accomodate other people.

These are all rumours mind and we all know about them but I had a word with The Skunk (website admin of Seasick Steve) and he originally just got told to pull the gig off the web asap.

I think V shot themselves in the foot bigtime here.

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Right gents can I put this in some perspective DO NOT CHUCK BOTTLES OF P*SS AT THE ACTS YOU F*CKING MORONS!

If you don't like the act don't watch it, go to another stage, its more of a protest that the act plays to no one and they film V so it will be noted.

However it is not Taylor Swift's fault as previously pointed out it is the V organisers who are at fault by the seem of it. I am not a fan of her work but I have been on stage and can tell you it takes balls and talent to get up in front of people and play your music. I have also been on the receiving end of drunks when i've done gigs and it is sh*te, especially when your bass player needs two stitches because someone chucks a glass at the stage because you won't play Times Like These more than twice in a night!

Also Taylor Swift appeals to small kids so they will most likely be at the front and take the brunt of your girly armed bottle chucking antics, meaning another group suffers. The V organisers will then retaliate by stopping all bottles in the arena - meaning we lose again because we have to pay £2 for a drink in a polysyrene cup half the size of the bottle you paid for!

For Christ's sake I didn't think anything could make me more annoyed than hearing V stuffed the Seasick Steve booking but congrats you've done it.

PS if you chuck a p*ss bottle in the arena and I'm stood within ten feet you won't have time to get a high five or enjoy your moment of glory as I will be filling you in for being a complete kn*bjockey, and I'm sure proper festival fans would be all to willing to do the same.

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Totally agree with Staffsknot. Anyone caught chucking anything from the crowd should be instantly ejected and barred from Vfestivals. We were watching Amy Winehouse at Staffs last year and a few idiots were throwing cans, bottles etc. A young girl of 14 or 15 was hit on the eyebrow with a can of beer and ended up needing stitches. It must have ruined the poor lasses weekend but it could also of costed her sight in one eye.

If you don't like the artist on stage a t the time, then go and watch another stage. i for one will be reporting any bottle chuckers to security

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I can't understand how anyone could even contemplate doing this I really can't, you won't make any point except your an idiot and you will annoy all the acts. You bottle Taylor Swift and I reckon you can kiss goodbye to a few high profile acts on the day - they won't know why your doing it they will just figure your a bunch of drunk t****rs. Also you can kiss goodbye to any chance of V being able to book anyone half decent for the next few years and we'll be listening to Chaz and Dave next year!

Honestly if you p*ss in a bottle and chuck it over people expect to be urinating into a bag for the next 2 weeks when you get grabbed by normal people.

I am just glad so many proper festival have come out and shouted this down, its restored my faith in humanity. I can only hope the people posting to do it were joking and wouldn't go through with it.

Its just obvious the people suggesting it have never had the talent or guts to get up in front of people and belt out tunes, it doesn't matter if their good or bad they just have to turn up and do it to earn my respect.

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To clear this up & hopefully get it back on topic, if you read the thread back I don't think anyone was seriously suggesting people bottle off Taylor Swift, just people are rightfully pissed off with the direction/actions of the V organisers. However, from reading some of the replies it seems like some of the concerns about the festival have been reinforced :-

Also Taylor Swift appeals to small kids so they will most likely be at the front and take the brunt of your girly armed bottle chucking antics
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