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Seasick Steve..

Guest Cal91

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I totally agree with all the sensible responses to this thread. However, having just watched the first stomach-lurching 20 seconds of the Taylor Swift video someone kindly posted, I am contemplating pouring warm piss over my own head in the hope it will eradicate the crawling skin I'm now enduring.

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To clear this up & hopefully get it back on topic, if you read the thread back I don't think anyone was seriously suggesting people bottle off Taylor Swift, just people are rightfully pissed off with the direction/actions of the V organisers. However, from reading some of the replies it seems like some of the concerns about the festival have been reinforced :-

What the f**k are small kids doing at V?? It's not a family friendly festival, I've been to family friendly fests & I can assure you they don't reek of skunk, have people openly snorting coke & gangs of steaming teenagers all over the place. The very fact that people expect there to be groups of young children attending moves it one step closer to T4 on the beach.

The V festival organisers perfect customer! Doesn't matter who you book guys as long as someone is brave enough to walk out on stage it's worth my £170!

I hope you're not planning on attending on the Oasis day :lol: You'll be knocking out fools left & right once their pissed up, chav fans get going. Were you not there in 05'??

In all seriousness, saying to vote with your feet & watch something else doesn't wash. Bands on the main stage early afternoon rarely get a huge crowd as day ticket holders are still arriving, people are exploring the arena etc so any difference in the size of the crowd will be unnoticeable. I saw Seasick Steve at Leeds last year, quite high up on the 2nd stage & he absolutely ripped it, the stage was packed & people were chanting for him before he came out. The fact that V believe Taylor Swift will prove more popular & is worth them f**king him over to get her a better spot is disgusting & it's obvious plenty of people agree. I'm still surprised there's so many V apologists? Here's holding out for next weeks(?) announcement

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Right looking back maybe jumping on everyone who was talking about p*ss chucking as an option was an overreaction but I really hate anyone who chucks things at the stage, regardless of who's on.

Fact is if your not going to do it then there's no problem.

Now going back to the problem at hand - V probably thought Seasick Steve would be a good draw but had no idea how to handle him. He has loads of up tempo tunes but also some slow blues and chuck in his cool story telling they must of thought he would of suited the morning slot. Trouble is he's a massive act and should of been higher up the bill more like 5 or 6pm with a decent amount of time to play.

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Im still unsure as to who this Taylor Swift person is. So far as I know she's only released one song. And dont be starting on what she has done in the states. I do not care. I live in England. What the Yanks does really does not interest me. It makes no sense. Am I the only one confused here!?

B x

PS: I hate bottle throwers. I got smashed in the face by a flying bottle at an Eminem gig. it really hurt. I got a proper bruise. Daddy banned me from Rap gigs and everything :rolleyes:

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Im still unsure as to who this Taylor Swift person is. So far as I know she's only released one song. And dont be starting on what she has done in the states. I do not care. I live in England. What the Yanks does really does not interest me. It makes no sense. Am I the only one confused here!?

B x

PS: I hate bottle throwers. I got smashed in the face by a flying bottle at an Eminem gig. it really hurt. I got a proper bruise. Daddy banned me from Rap gigs and everything :P

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Just think it would be funny to see little Miss Swifts face if she had a thousand bottle of piss thrown at her (platic ones of course) the whole Daphney & celeste thing was hilarious and I think if it happened to a holier than thou pop princess who is as demanding as she is supposed to be I would love it, You might be big in the States but you are just a piss target for us.
Edited by Squall Moogle
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Awesome, because someone you've never met is supposed to be demanding, makes music you don't like and is popular somewhere other than in the UK you think it's OK to throw bottles of piss at her?


I cannot believe that you think it's OK and that people should pelt a 19 year old girl with bottles of piss. Did Taylor Swift ask to be booked for the festival? I doubt she'll even know what V Festival is or know where Chelmsford or Staffordshire are.

Everyone pisses and moans about the line-up at V, if people do start getting bottled off, why the hell would ANYONE want to play there.

Edited to add.

Now I think about it, I'm actually astounded that people are essentially condoning the bullying and intimidation of someone who's just going to do the job she's been booked. Seriously guys, it's not right.

Edited by TheNewUnion
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Honestly Squall, I'm not being a nerd or some drippy hippy about it - I'm all for calling for peoples head on a stick when they deserve it, I'm just stating that I think it's wrong to condone the bullying and intimidation of a 19 year old girl because you don't like here music.

Personally, I've no time for the girl whatsoever so will be elsewhere when she's playing her faux-country ditties.

If we want to make a stand against such a pathetic booking, vent your spleen on clowns booked the poor girl.

Edited by TheNewUnion
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I am with you i was the only 1 throwing bottles at bastard winehouse last year

So guttered about seasick he was the 1 i was most looking foward to all weekend f**king V is getting worse and worse

Foo's awesome

Muse incredible

Oasis.............. shite over-rated not even best band in manchester

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in a way i'm quite relieved that an off the cuff (and...in retrospect...ill judged) post has caused so much comment...i was really worried this year would be a total agro filled tool fest...but the posts on this thread give me hope theres hope yet we might get the atmosphere we all want! Everybody on this site...we have one thing in common...its all about the music. I was at Reading a few years ago when some knobhead hit the guy from 'Bullet For My Valentine' with a bottle and knocked him out. People who do that stuff need to be banned from every festival. What we all want from a festival is a good time with our mates...meet good people...and not to get soaked in piss or get hit by a pissed up cock who's not into his tunes...what i love about v...in all the years I've been going...is that i've never seen one fight...never felt threatened or whatever... And people who like shit bands have as much right to see them after as anybody else...(although why they'd want to given whatever else is going on on other stages is anybodies guess!). V is still a festival with a crowd of decent people...when that changes i'll stop going...lets have a good one

Edited by Flaminglippy
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