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drugs @ pinkpop

Guest wigwam85

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has anyone been to pinkpop? i emailed them about taking cannabis and truffles and got this response:

According to the Dutch law it’s prohibited to have drugs or to sell/buy drugs. According on the Zero Tolerance policy it’s prohibited to bring drugs on the festival. The police and organisation will search luggage on this.

Best regards,

Buro Pinkpop

maybe not the chilled out festival i would have hoped for. may just stick to one more local instead unless someone can confirm that this is all rubbish!?

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has anyone been to pinkpop? i emailed them about taking cannabis and truffles and got this response:

According to the Dutch law it’s prohibited to have drugs or to sell/buy drugs. According on the Zero Tolerance policy it’s prohibited to bring drugs on the festival. The police and organisation will search luggage on this.

Best regards,

Buro Pinkpop

maybe not the chilled out festival i would have hoped for. may just stick to one more local instead unless someone can confirm that this is all rubbish!?

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Drugs have never really been legal in the Netherlands; there is only the tolerance policy they are talking about in that e-mail. So apart from regarding mushrooms (which have largely been banned completely, basically because of tourists who couldn't handle the wealth...), nothing has changed. I am quite sure no-one (including the police) would mind if you'd bring some stuff along for 'personal use', i.e. any quantity that can still reasonably be explained like that. At least, that's the general policy, so extremely unlikely that they'd deviate from that at a festival! And if you can still buy truffles in a coffeeshop or a smartshop (I wouldn't know), the same applies to those.

No need to worry. :lol:

Edited by Cheimoon
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It's legal to carry your own personal share (5gr.) of soft drugs in the Netherlands. And normally this won't be a problem at any festival (Lowlands festival still says it's ok), but the last few years we see more and more organisers using the Zero Tolerance policy. Which actually means no soft or hard drugs at all. I'm not sure how security is at Pinkpop, but I've seen festivals where soft drugs has been taken from you at the entrance.

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just questiones them and got this:

In the Netherlands a quantity of 5mg is tolerated concerning the Dutch Law. But on Pinkpop we have a zero tolerance policy.

Best regards,

Buro Pinkpop

its 5grams! not 5mg! has this person ever been to the netherlands!? lol

so zero tolerance in a country with tolerance! shame, line up is great but id rather go somewhere thats actually chilled out *like any town or city in NL! and not this up tight "NO NO NO" festival!


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I was at Pinkpop last year and it was the same buzz, before hand we were told zero tolerance. 10 of us went and we all had about 10 grams of weed each (split into separate bags). In the campsite security were up and down and we were smoking away and there was no bother. One day we were going into the festival and they were checking everyones pockets. I had a bag of weed less than 5 grams and i pulled it out and said hey i've got weed (i made a big deal about it because i had other stuff in my pocket i didn't want found - this technique worked a charm actually) and the girl smiled, said that's no problem and didn't even search me then.

We had coke too though and one of the lads got caught out and spent the night in a cell. Here's what happened, we were being fairly loud in the campsite and some of the lads were probably flashing it around a bit and next thing loads of security came. Most of us got everything thrown into our tents which they didn't search (they weren't allowed) but one lad had it in his pocket. He got brought away by police but was let out the next morning and came back to the festival, no charges or anything. While he was getting arrested I was down trying to get him out of it talking to the police and security and all the time i was doing that I was smoking a joint in front of them. I think in my drunken haze i offered the cop a smoke, he declined of course but nothing was said.

So, the point is:

Weed - Pocket checkers on the gates don't mind, campsite security and festival site security don't mind, police don't mind. Smoke it up brother.

Harder drugs, keep it quiet and in your tent.

Truffles, I don't know really but i wouldn't be taking those mad things at a festival anyways.

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