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Any one else EXITED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Guest BlackHole2006

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Hello hello hello, everybody hello.

I have a special spellbindingly unique announcement to make:

After viewing the extremely scrumptious thread with pictures a week before last years thread, I had an immediate buzz of exitement. And I'm not just saying this, I mean I felt all bubbly inside with butterflies in my stomach. It's only 9 weeks to go and I'm already wetting myself with exitement, I think I should go see a doctor or something cause it's a serious case of OVER exitedness. I havn't even watched the DVD in ages, but I'm planning to do so a week before, as well as watch all of the coverage that I recorded last year and deleting it etc. Anyway, I just want to say this one thing: If I am this exited now, by the last couple of weeks, I'm going to be an absolute wreck. I mean think about it: No GCSES, Nothing to do to take my mind of glasto, being on these forums everyday, with everyone pondering over the acts there going to see, what the hell else is there for me to do apart from get disturbingly exited!

So who else is as exited as I am???!!!!. Also, if you have pics of last year, or any year in that case, share them with us. Especially if they are the retro ones, you know 70s, 80s and 90s. Lets see if we can keep this thread up until the festival starts! yeah!!!! exitement!



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I've never even been before and even though there's only 3 bands I want to see so far (all of which I've seen before) I'm more excited than I have been since Christmas 1998 :rolleyes:

I just love being at Leeds Festival for the atmosphere, which is the best of anywhere I've ever been. If Glastonbury's better than that then I'm gonna love it!

Edited by Bradders
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Does the Pope sh*t in the woods lol?
Edited by jamiejc
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I am unimaginably excited! I think about it all the time... I am always drawn back here somehow, so I can pointlessly discuss it. I'm just worried about the effect it's having on my education!

9 weeks isn't that long at all, soon we'll be able to say "next month"! And considering I have been stupidly excited since before even October ticket sales, it's NOTHING. WAHEY!!!!!! :P:P:P:)

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I am excited too!! I start buying stuff now and keep talking about who is rumoured and who I'll be seeing. If my boyfriend wasn't going too I am sure I would have bored him to death!

Not too long to go! I cannot believe it is April already so June will be here quick sharp!

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