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How much sleep do you get

Guest Rainy day woman

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Has anybody used the tactic of putting those silver space blankets over the top of your tent to keep the heat out and make it possible to sleep after about 8am?

If so did it work?

It's not the noise that gets me out of my tent but the heat. If I can keep my tent cooler for longer in daylight I can go to bed later!

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You bunch of lucky bleeders, I can't sleep past about 6-7am at Glastonbury, no matter what time I nod off. I really don't know how anyone sleeps at a festival.
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Has anybody used the tactic of putting those silver space blankets over the top of your tent to keep the heat out and make it possible to sleep after about 8am?

If so did it work?

It's not the noise that gets me out of my tent but the heat. If I can keep my tent cooler for longer in daylight I can go to bed later!

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I defo do not have any sort of sleep pattern at Glasto, just grap it when nothing better is going on, need about 4hrs at a time. Earplugs and eye mask a must.

Choc .... you mention Wax earplugs, where do you get them from? Only ever seen foam ones, which are rubbish at keeping out bass.

I find for really bad hangovers, a couple of 'calm' drops (natural remedy - nothing dodgy) in any beverage sort me out a treat. The worse thing in the morning is that awful tea from the scuba tent in the family field, not sure how they make it so bad.

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i tend to just get so hammered that when i need it my body takes it. wether thats in a chair or in my tent. normally get 4 hours in but by 9 the heat in the tent wakes me up so back on it.

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Most nights I tend to get by on about 4 hours sleep, like others have said I find it very hard to sleep past 9am at the festival. Usually tend to have one night where it catches up on me a bit and I'll get 7 or 8 hours, depends how hard I've been canning it. In 2007 I never got out my tent until 9pm on the saturday after a particularly hard friday! :lol::(

Edited by mynameisearl
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Well I can't really remember the years before.


last year I had a really hectic June. Two busy weekends beforehand (including my birthday), followed by a job interview the day before Glastonbury. The job interview was 120miles from my home so on the Tuesday I finished work as normal at 5pm, drove up north(ish), stayed the night with boyfriend, couldn't sleep all night due to nerves, got up at 6am, went to interview, found out I had 'won' the job (great start to Glastonbury) :rolleyes: , drove back 120 miles down south, picked up Glastonbury things from home and finished packing, drove things to boyfriends parents, got on train to Radiohead gig, went to bed at 2am, got up at 5.30am and left for Glastonbury.

So....I was knackered for the whole of Glastonbury and needed lots of sleep (but struggle to sleep later than 9am) so I probably slept for about 7 hours a night and could have done with more (but wanted less). Then on the last night I made up for it by staying up until about 8am, going to bed for 2 hours and getting up again (in a panic because I thought I heard everyone up, which actually turned out to be 2 people), felling more awful than I have ever felt in my life and unable to make my body move!

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Well I can't really remember the years before.


last year I had a really hectic June. Two busy weekends beforehand (including my birthday), followed by a job interview the day before Glastonbury. The job interview was 120miles from my home so on the Tuesday I finished work as normal at 5pm, drove up north(ish), stayed the night with boyfriend, couldn't sleep all night due to nerves, got up at 6am, went to interview, found out I had 'won' the job (great start to Glastonbury) :rolleyes: , drove back 120 miles down south, picked up Glastonbury things from home and finished packing, drove things to boyfriends parents, got on train to Radiohead gig, went to bed at 2am, got up at 5.30am and left for Glastonbury.

So....I was knackered for the whole of Glastonbury and needed lots of sleep (but struggle to sleep later than 9am) so I probably slept for about 7 hours a night and could have done with more (but wanted less). Then on the last night I made up for it by staying up until about 8am, going to bed for 2 hours and getting up again (in a panic because I thought I heard everyone up, which actually turned out to be 2 people), felling more awful than I have ever felt in my life and unable to make my body move!

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Never been to glasto but i always get a few hours in a night but i always wake up early cause i need a drink and find it difficult to get back to sleep with the heat.

Only managed to sleep past 10am twice once after having been up 24-26 hours made breakfast went for a lie down waiting for everyone else to get up next thing i know its 2pm.

Other time was on the last day of reading festival the sun was coming up it was quite cold so we all went to bed needing to pack up and be at the train station by half 10 ended up having to wait till 12pm to get a train back to Scotland.

trying to prevent this i bought a lighter weight sleeping bag which ment i didn't get hot when the sun come up but unfortunaly the air is do i bought a coleman tent fan to help circulation.

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In 2007 we went with some Glasto virgins and probably had about 15 hours max sleep from Wed- Mon.

Last thing I saw was first 5 mins of Gossip then fell asleep clinging onto the John Peel tent guy ropes...

Walking up the Hill of Death at 5am Monday morning made me cry... and the drive back was hairy, we had to chain smoke all the way home to stay awake!

Edited by BonnetBird
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