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Refused Time Off For Glastonbury

Guest When Jokers Attack

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ha well done for not pulling a sicky

my manager has told me I'm also not allowed Glastonbury off, which is ridiculous as i booked it off months ago (he's just a nob) and I'm also not allowed Reading off as there are 6 others going from work lol rather annoyed!

luckily I'll hopefully be going to uni in September so plan to somehow not get fired due to glasto, then quit before reading (Y) or hope than manager leaves soon, festivals come before bloody pizza hut!

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HR Bod here......

Firstly, I would take the advice from people on this thread and ask why it took so long for a response to your holiday request. Taking over 2 months to get back to you is ridiculous.

Secondly, even if you do end up pulling a sicky the worst you'll get is an informal chat or a verbal warning whether you've asked for the time off previously or not (unless your absence record is not the best as it stands). They will have to prove that you were at Glastonbury, so before you go back to work, make sure you take your wristband off, have a good wash and cake yourself in sudocrem to get rid of your tan B)

Failing that, tell your boss if he/she doesn't give you the time off for it you'll tell him/her now what you're going to be off sick with come the 24th June.

Personally, wild horses wouldn't stop me from going to Glastonbury. If my employer refused my hols I'd just tell them to stick their stinking job up their ricker!

Edited by mcmenace
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I know how you feel, i'm starting a new job next week but i havent told them i'm off to Glastonbury yet. Hope they let me have it off because it would be a shame if i had to quit after waiting so long to start work. Glastonbury comes first though lol. Hope you manage to wangle it.

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you know.. there *might* be a problem for me this year too.

Theres 4 people who do the same job as me. One left this week so we've had to work an extra hour each day to cover her. ( i dont mind - this month hours are next months pay £££=for glasto!)

but now im thinking the 2 week holiday for glasto ive got booked is really shit for the two preople who are gonna be doing a 4 mans job...


*i dont think ill be stopped like, as they've known for months even before this person left...still abit shitty tho*

Edited by Rachie
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yeh that's fair enough, pizza hut isn't exactly a real job! yeh just a part time job, my parents are still being told to go to mexico in July by the travel agency (crazyy) so if they do go, once they return, that excuse of swine flu would work a treat for reading! for glasto I'll just have to deal with the punishment, my manager will get over it
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"Any problem is an opportunity in disguise."

Join a union and go off sick.

Dont fanny about trying to convince them. They have no obligation to give you your holidays when you want them. So if they say no again its even worse if you go off sick.

With the union behind you - you aint gonna get the boot.

And if you do - so what - the conditions are obviously shite. Think Fightclub - "only a man who lses everything is free to do anything"

Dishonest but life is worth living, and you will certainly be doing that at Glasto.

Quote master Ben

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i agree, id go no matter what - i mean if you cant have time off for the things you want to do..whats the point in working

where i work always try to get people to take all their holiday at once in summer (when its less busy) constant reminders etc, but i take it when i want..not when's good for the company!!!

Edited by markeee
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I had it added to my job contract that it specifies I will have off the Wed, Thurs, Fri before the last weekend in June along with the following Mon & Tues. it pays to have a boss who understands passion, it may not be the highest paid job in the world but i could never forgive myself if I couldn't go to glasto due to work.

There is more to life than work!!!!

On your deathbed you would never say I wish I worked more!!!

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I had it added to my job contract that it specifies I will have off the Wed, Thurs, Fri before the last weekend in June along with the following Mon & Tues. it pays to have a boss who understands passion, it may not be the highest paid job in the world but i could never forgive myself if I couldn't go to glasto due to work.

There is more to life than work!!!!

On your deathbed you would never say I wish I worked more!!!

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I wouldn't throw a sicky, purely for the fact that when you come back and want to talk about the weekend, you have to keep your trap shut to avoid being caught.

I had my holidays in for Glasto in October last year. As I work in a College I'm not meant to have time off the last week in August/First 3 weeks in September as it's our busiest time of year, but I get on with my boss, explained that I go to Leeds Fest every year and would need the Thursday and Friday off, and she was fine. If you've got a proper/career job, then being nice to the boss helps, and having a plan (I've told her I promise to have everything done a week earlier so there's less to do when I'm off)

HOWEVER, when I was a student and just worked evening/weekends in a shop, I told them when I was going to be off, and if they didn't like it I'd leave. I did that once because a boss was a c**t and wouldn't even let me have time off cos my dad was having chemo.

Part time jobs in a supermarket/Pizza Hut aren't worth missing out on a Festival for.

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I found out that I was due to miss Glasto Wednesday through work, with no chance of changing it, but then also found out that my contract might not be renewed at the end of June (effing recession) so I've gone and got another job and only accepted it on the condition that I can still have my Glastonbury and Benicassim dates off.


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