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2009 Line Up

Guest butchwade

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Exactly that is the music that the Breakdowns British present/display in their disc of debut: an exquisite one combined of rock and roll of the old school driven by power-popera energy and melodic breath coming from British tradition MGP of the Sixties. The result is a vitalista disc and contagious, of that they leave with desire of more, of those than they really portray a group, with the intensity and arrogance of beginner ones, but with the sufficiency and the tables of that take already near three years working in the test premises and kicking each gaming house that is put to him to shot.

I'm hoping they'll do Chirpy Cheap Cheap as well Popaction.

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probably not gonna happen this year, but in an ideal world the late additions of the fortuna pop pair, the butterflies of love and the pains of being pure at heart would be good as would the soft pack.

does anybody get remotely excited by the apperance of the zutons?!

cannot wait for bon iver!

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I think their first album is good and the second acceptable, I haven't bothered with them after that.

I'll probs watch them still just to see what they're like live

Plus, who can miss Abi?

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We haven't got much nostalgia like previous years ie Blockheads, Buzzcocks and Proclaimers....

So how about The Undertones, Bad Manners or The Proclaimers back....

Also how about asking Little Man Tate back or Youmeatsix for the kids...

oh and before i forget we have no DJ set indoors lets have DJ Yoda back his set the other year was top if not Utah Saints would do nicely

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We haven't got much nostalgia like previous years ie Blockheads, Buzzcocks and Proclaimers....

So how about The Undertones, Bad Manners or The Proclaimers back....

Also how about asking Little Man Tate back or Youmeatsix for the kids...

oh and before i forget we have no DJ set indoors lets have DJ Yoda back his set the other year was top if not Utah Saints would do nicely

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