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A question of charity

Guest Bza

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Before i start, if this thread has been done before, please could you forward me a link. Im still not very good with the search.


I recently got in an argument with my girlfriend over the amounts of cash that glastonbury directly gives to charities and how much profit they keep to themselves.

My gf isnt a huge glasto fan, she says its too big and prefers smaller festys. This has turned into her being quite negative about glasto (more snobby if you ask me <_< ).

I was wondering if any work or proof is around of the actual figures that go to glasto each year (hard cash, not the amount raised by increasing the profile with stalls etc).

Half of me wants to know because im interested. The other half wants to defend glastos fine name and win the argument. :P



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Haha! She's not into Glasto, The Wire OR Curb? Well I'll have to swat up a bit on Curb (though from what I've seen its excellent) and make sure she's in for non-stop chat about all three over the weekend!

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Don't listen to him. My gf won't come to any festival (she's even unimpressed by the free Leamington Peace Festival) and we've managed a turbulence-free 13 years together. You don't have to share every interest.
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