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Help me, i've never camped at a festival!

Guest CrazyRach

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Myself and my friends are going to Glasto but i've never camped at a festival before, can anyone answer the following questions for me?

1) Is it true that people urinate in your tent when you’re sleeping?

2) Is it true that people have been drugged and kidnapped by hippies?

3) Am I allowed to make noise during the night or will people shout at me?

4) Will they sell coca cola in cans and not the horrid plastic bottles?

5) Is it gross to wee in a bucket inside my tent as I will be too drunk/ tired/ scared to go during the night?

Your answers are much appreciated :)

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Hi again!

I think i'm most looking forward to losing my inhibitions and becoming a camping addict! There are 11 of us altogether but I'm camping with 4 other girls that haven't been camping either so that should be fun!

P.s, My name is Rachel, I am a girl :(

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That link seems to be a bit troublesome...

But if you go to their main page;


...there seems to be a link to that very item on the right hand side.

I'm not endorsing that particular site, it was just the first one I found on a search.

I'll be getting mine from my local camping goods vendor... :)

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Hey there Crazy Ratchet.. :D

RE Peeing In The Tent

I don't know why everyone's forgotten about these, since they seemed to be such a great hit last year.

Travel Johns!


Sanitary, odourless, unisex, and it turns solid, so no worries about "kicking it over in your tent"... :D

I think it's the same stuff as they put in nappies, so if you were enterprising, you could no doubt put together a cheaper solution using that very stuff. :D

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Hi again!

I think i'm most looking forward to losing my inhibitions and becoming a camping addict! There are 11 of us altogether but I'm camping with 4 other girls that haven't been camping either so that should be fun!

P.s, My name is Rachel, I am a girl :lol:

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That link seems to be a bit troublesome...

But if you go to their main page;


...there seems to be a link to that very item on the right hand side.

I'm not endorsing that particular site, it was just the first one I found on a search.

I'll be getting mine from my local camping goods vendor... :D

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If going out for a wee at night is scary - you are in for a big shock. :lol:

Seriously, I have no idea where you got these questions from, this isnt Reading / Leeds / V festival (take your pick) this is a way of life, a safer, more gentle, enjoyable and fun way of life...

Really, its great fun. Dont worry, just enjoy. :D

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Just remember the five-point survival guide from TheBoyInTheBubble's nan:

1. Don't do drugs please

2. Watch your drink doesn't get drugs put in it

3. Try to get plenty of sleep

4. Watch out for the gays

5. Be careful in the toilets


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3) Am I allowed to make noise during the night or will people shout at me?

Yes, unless you are in the family field they will usually shout "BOLLOX!" or "I'm Sparticus!" at you (after your first night,it will make sense), if your smoking they may try and skank a fag/backy/skins/light, if they are realy wrecked you may get a really slurred "I love you"

Edited by Howl
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Hello CrazyRach, don't worry you're starting at the best and friendliest one. In answer to your questions

1) No, people don't urinate in you rtent regardles of whether you're in dreamland or not (this might happenat Reading, but not at Glasto)

2) Drugged: Yes, Kidnapped: No

3) Your more likely to get hugged by a stranger than shouted at by one

4) Cans arn't sold on site I don't think, for obvious reasons (though what those obvious reasons ae I'm not 100% sure

5) Yes that is gross, but no one will hold it against you. Guy ropes can be quite an obstacle inthe dark whilst you' drunk!

Play Safe!! :huh:

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1) Is it true that people urinate in your tent when you’re sleeping?

Not IN, but if you camp near a hedge / tree people may urinate ON you tent, so camp away from said greenery.

2) Is it true that people have been drugged and kidnapped by hippies?

I'm not even going to bother to answer that - are you twelve or something???

3) Am I allowed to make noise during the night or will people shout at me?

Make as much noise as you like unless you're in the Family Field. Or discussing question 2 or 5 next to my tent... :huh:

4) Will they sell coca cola in cans and not the horrid plastic bottles?

You will be able to buy cans in some places, but mostly plastic bottles. Be prepared to pay £1 - £1.50 for a can, unless you head up to Tor Rugby Club, where a can is 50p! You could, of course, take your own, but you might not have space once you've packed the bucket and the big lockable cage you'll need to build round your tent to protect yourself from those nasty, nasty hippies and their evil drugs...

5) Is it gross to wee in a bucket inside my tent as I will be too drunk/ tired/ scared to go during the night?

Yes. You'll kick it over and then you'll squeal like a big girl and the hippies will come and drag you away. Buy some TravelJohns. Or at the very least, take something with a lid - a fabric conditioner bottle or something.

Just remember the five-point survival guide from TheBoyInTheBubble's nan:

1. Don't do drugs please

2. Watch your drink doesn't get drugs put in it

3. Try to get plenty of sleep

4. Watch out for the gays

5. Be careful in the toilets


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If we had a catchphrase last year it was "watch out for the gays".

Example usage:

"See you later."

"Okay. Watch out for the gays."

"Yeah, watch out for the gays."

Apologies to anyone who overheard us and thought we were a bunch of homophobes.

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Just remember the five-point survival guide from TheBoyInTheBubble's nan:

1. Don't do drugs please

2. Watch your drink doesn't get drugs put in it

3. Try to get plenty of sleep

4. Watch out for the gays

5. Be careful in the toilets


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