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Testicular cancer, Glastonbury & guilt

Guest glastofun

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Lumps can be all sorts of things firstly, but if it is the worst, take comfort in the fact that early diagnosis means that many cancers can be cured with a combination of operations, radio and chemotherapy and the future can be a positive one. You've got a few weeks yet, by then you should have a better idea of what is going on and how things are going to progress re: treatment and prognosis (likely outcomes). In the meantime, try not to panic too much until you know what your bf is dealing with. xx

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I understand how you feel..

I've had two cancer scares this year..an Acoustic neuroma and somehwere else....

I get the impression that the doctors really do "get off" in scraring the sh!t out of there patients... :)

this worry made me extremly depressed and ill..... as I convinced myself ( with my doctors scare mongring) that i was dying.. which was not good as i had just become a father..

finally all came good(negative) :):(

This worry is not good.... Prepare for the worst.. but don't beat your self up.. they are just covering their arses... go to Glasto....

Edited by mrfunk
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Good Luck - hope the news is good.

There's still 4 weeks until Glasto and you'll know what u r up against by then - it's only money!

If things have settled down again you should go - it's all about experiences & memories! If I hadn't had breast cancer, I would never have gone to Glasto ( 10 things you want to do before you die and all that) - and it's only a few days in a whole lifetime.......

Hope it all works out OK. MB x

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Hey - I'm glad things worked out for you. I think the dr who my bf saw was confidant it was cancer as it wasn't a lump (which from my net research [which i know is flawed!] could be a whole range of things). Instead one of his testicals is drastically enlarged and hard, which from what I can gather is rarely a sign of anything but cancer.

Anyway, he'll be at the docs tomorrow, if they'll fit him in (& he'll be insisting). I really appreciate people's kind words, info and advice. Thanks once again.

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I'm not at all sure if this is the right place to talk about this, but said my bit to the OP. To others who are sounding like they've not had the best experiences with there medical care it is really easy to change GPs. Speak to friends in your area and find out who has good relationships with their doctors. Communication is vital, and you need someone on a similar wavelength to you, but we are all different, and not every doctor suits every patient.

We don't "cover our arses", though thats how it may seem at times, but work on statistical odds quite a lot. If I suspect a patient may be likely to ignore my advice to attend for an investigation, I suppose I might build up the negative side a bit, but really we try and respect your autonomy and give you information so you can make up your own mind about what you want to do, right or wrong in our minds.

Anyway, I'd reiterate that the OP or her boyfriend shouldn't worry too much, as there is no diagnosis yet, and it is normally easily treatable even if cancer. Massively swollen is relative, I've seen guys who couldn't wear trousers.

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I'm sure others have said similar, but just want to add, between now and Glasto is a relatively long time still. You have time to talk with each other and spend quality time together. Glastonbury could serve as a chance for your partner to spend time chilling out alone (something we all like to do sometimes) or spending time with his family and friends.

You are not being selfish at all. Cancer is a horrible thing for both the people suffering it and all those people around who love that person. You need to take care of yourself as well in this most difficult time and that includes taking some time for yourself. Glastonbury is an excellent place to do precisely that.

And you're not alone with worries about cancer, I assure you. I'm due in for exploratory surgery myself in early June, and cancer is a possible/probable outcome for me at the moment. I am going to Glastonbury, even if I get a cancer diagnosis. I'm going by myself, and frankly I'll be grateful when I'm there to be with my own thoughts for a few days if I do get the diagnosis I'm fearing. I love my family, I love my friends, and I'm sure they'll be supportive if the worst comes to the worst. But nonetheless, that mix of time with loved ones and time with one's own self is vital for securing the much-required sanity!

Seriously; you strike me, and others, as a caring partner and you have nothing at all to feel guilty about. Quite the opposite in fact.

Warmest wishes.

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Denwyn - that is a little harsh. A trouble shared and all that.

To the OP - you will do what is right for you and your partner when you have more info and time to think if needed. Lots of good advice on here so I will not repeat.

Very best wishes.

Sorry...Not ment to be harsh, but i can't see why you would want to share this online,myself if it was my problem i would not want to discuss any bit of it onlne,and not on a forum like this. A trouble shared and all that is fine, but surley with people you know and trust.. :D

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When people get gobsmacking news like that they react in very different ways. My instinct is to try to gather as much information as possible from as many sources as possible.

Interestingly, on this thread we've had responses from GPs and other cancer sufferers as well as a lot of sympathy and support.

Says a lot of positive things about Glasto goers.

Good luck.

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