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Rolf, I don't get it!

Guest Mr.Tickle

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You've got to be in the mood - or even better stumble across him by accdent.

I find I've been at my most open minded when I've passed someone I've either never head of or never seen performing and had no plan to see. So there's no real perception or 'image.'

You stop for a moment listen and look and get captivated and choose to stay and watch a great set that you hadn't even got on your list.

That's the joy of Glasto.

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Is this the "I don't get it" thread?

I've listened to the following acts on Spotify after people on this forum raved about them..

Animal Collective

Brand New

Passion Pit

Emiliana Toioilololoririrlorlo (or however you spell it)


Bon Iver

I thought they were all pretty shit.

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who's hoping for a bit of Rolf meets catchphrase? Picture this, Rolf using a projector draws a cartoon on to the screen either side of the stage, first person who "can tell what it is" gets to play wobbleboard on a track. True crowd interaction! :huh:

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I made the mistake in 2004 (or whenever it was) to suggest to my mate that it would be good for a laugh and we should take the pic nic blanket and just relax and enjoy.

How wrong was I :)






There was no room to put the blanket down :)

Absolutely fantastic - not to be missed :)

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How come I'm the only person that isn't bothered about Rolf Bleedin Harris? Am I missing the point, surely he's nothing but a novelty act?

Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against him I just don't know why everyone goes so completly OTT for him.

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2002, me and my Aussie mate 'Beebop' went down the pyramid stage to see Rolf, we just sat down on the grass and thought we'd have a smoke, a drink and a lie in the sunshine and have a listen to Rolf (mainly to appease my Aussie mate)

The field just kept filling up and filling up, eventually we had to stand up because it was getting to rammed to sit down. When I stood up and looked back the Pyramid field was packed.

Rolf came out and he was so humble, he thanked us for coming to see him and making an old man very happy you could see he couldn't fathom out why so many people had come to see him, it was quite emotional!

fair play to the old cobber!

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listen mate,

my bezyy mate ever, went to glasto i didnt make it at (04???)

and all she ever said afterwards was rolf rolf rolf! and i was like 'nooo who did you see? who was any good...who was the highlight?'

and to this day shes told me rolf.

back then i was like wtf... this girl has taste.

but over time ive done my research...and


im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to seeing him more then anything!

Edited by Harrow Strongbow Ciderman!
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I will be at Rolf as a bit of therapy and hopefully I can finally relieve myself of a post-traumatic stress reaction that i've had for something like 35 years!

When I was 9 my cat got ran over right outside my house and I saw it. My mum had just gone off to the shops and wouldn't be back for about an hour so I was left in charge of my 6 year old brother who was even more hysterically distraught than me.

I loved the song 2 little boys at the time and I remember going to pick my poor smashed up cat up out of the road and singing to it...."Did you think i would leave you dying..." Soppy, sentimental child that I was.

Anyway - I never heard the song for years after that but I remember hearing it about 20 years later and becoming hysterically upset. I thought it was just a complete overreaction to the soppy lyrics at first, but then it came back to me that it was all about the cat! That song takes me right back to being a 9 year girl picking her dead cat up out of the road!

So anyway - I'm hoping that singing along in a happy Glastonbury vibe will finally free me of the embarassment of ending up a complete sobbing wreck every time 2 little boys is played - but if not - that strange woman crying hysterically at Rolf will be me!!!!

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Yeah, saw Rolf last time (2002?). He was pretty cool, and got everyone singing along. Great feel-good act. Until 2 little boys, which always makes me cry, to the amusement of my wife.

The "novelty" acts are always good fun. I remember when The Darkness opened a few years ago - that was cool.

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Avalon Stage an afternoon in 2000 - complete carnage - couldn't get within 40 feet of the tent. I've not seen a crowd for a headliner at the Avalon like it. Should really be on the Pyramid.

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