Saw The Rifles at Quarterhouse in Folkestone on Saturday. Great little venue that is. Not really my usual band but really enjoyed them.
Fat Dog in Oxford last night who were excellent too.
My head hurts!
Just loved the shuddering bombastic ear shattering riffs that were created by Tony Iommi, supported by Bill Wards drumming and Geezers pounding bass in the early 70s. You just waited in anticipation of Ozzy starting the vocals.
Live back then they were unmatched by any other band though many attempted to copy.
Farce? In what way? It wasn’t the comfortable one-sided victory we had last May but it was a good old fashioned derby with a fair outcome. The only controversy really was the decision to not give Bradley a second yellow (maybe Gueye as well….) but personally I felt Oliver got them right- would have been soft in the context of a game where tackles were flying in usually fairly. I certainly didn’t think they were as obvious as the red Konate escaped for his cynical Anfield
challenge on Beto at 0-0 which led to Klopp taking him off as soon as the ball went out. Now that was farce.