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Glastonbury would be an excellent place to set a zombie film!! I'll write it - is anyone handy with a camera and sfx make up??
Edited by FunkyDenz
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The Big Chill are already doing that this year.

I hope The Big Chill don't succeed, I like being a world record holder. :)

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I'm not saying it's "a conspiracy", I'm saying that the govt is working things in a way which benefits them from all sorts of angles (including not over-loading the NHS).

The simple fact is that by having worked things in that way the numbers they're counting are almost meaningless, and it would be impossible for them to be unaware of that fact.

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the numbers are already waaaaaaay past those and the govt knows it. They're just pretending it's different, via a screening process of those they'll actually check for swine fever in the first place.

They won't take any action until the autumn, because it'll stay low level (not many cases happening consecutively) until the autumn.

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I don't know. Isn't deliberately misleading the population by publishing figures you know to be false a conspiracy? I agree with everything else you say here apart from that the government is doing this intelligently. I think they haven't got a clue.

They're not "false" figures tho, are they? They are accurate figures for confirmed cases.

You can't really go blaming it all on the govt - after all, if healthcare professionals are ignoring the govts advice on a wholesale basis as they are, then that's hardly the govts fault is it?

I think there's an amount of (if not total) deliberateness with how the govt have chosen to do things. It's avoided panic, it's avoided overloading the NHS, while still allowing them to track its prevalence.

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i was planning on having my first glasto this year, but,

my brother works for an agency that will remain unnamed,

if the confirmed swine flu cases in england reaches 2000,

or suspected reaches 3000, cases,

the festival will be closed on public safety grounds.

im devestated but hoping these numbers wont b reached

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the transmission rates from human to human in swine flu will be far smaller than regular flu. The biology will be more specialised for pig to pig transmission and the mixed-up versions that end up transmitting from human to human are not so effective.

It probably got hyped just like avian flu so researchers could get more funding :)

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Don't get taken in by this whipped up hysteria. Read the articles released to serious newspapers and other media outlets. Concern was raised after one confirmed victim and five suspected victims had been together at Hampden Park to watch the Scottish Cup Final. The Chief Medical Officer for Scotland stated that there would be no increased risk to other spectators unless they had been in a enclosed space with the victims ie small room or private box at Hampden. As this wasn't the case everyone could breathe easily again.

Glastonbury = wide open space compared to Hampden therefore chance of festival being cancelled = nil. On the other hand attendance at Glastonbury = 175,000; attendance at Hampden < the gas's average attendance for last season! Do we have to be scared? Be very scared?

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Hmmmn, I would advise people NOT to be scared, this thing has been around for ages now and although 'reported' figures seem to be rising, I very much doubt that within 2 weeks ALL public meetings will be cancelled.

There is something about the whole swine flu thing that does not add up to me but I cant put my finger on it although I tend to be very skeptical and agree with efestivals sentiments on all this.

Anyway, just been on Beeb news now that the world health organisation has said we are very close to a pandemic. Yeah, yeah, yeah.. blah, blah ,blah - but the thing that did concern me was when they said something along the lines that Australia is now seeing transmissions of Swine Flul at a community level.

Dont quote me on that though as it has only just been on telly and I was busy at the time trying to cook baked beans - which as we all know is a damn fine dish that takes alot of cooking skills. Ever been to a posh restaurant and been served a plate of baked bean - no you haven't - because its too difficult for them to cook! :)

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They're not "false" figures tho, are they? They are accurate figures for confirmed cases.

You can't really go blaming it all on the govt - after all, if healthcare professionals are ignoring the govts advice on a wholesale basis as they are, then that's hardly the govts fault is it?

I think there's an amount of (if not total) deliberateness with how the govt have chosen to do things. It's avoided panic, it's avoided overloading the NHS, while still allowing them to track its prevalence.

Edited by dr_billy
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OK, I'm playing more the hurrumpf brother here.

We have 2 weeks to go, it could happen.

Now, if it happens when we are already there, if we get a case onsite, will they make us stay for a week or more extra? Just to stop us spreading it around the country (which will seem sensible). :blink:

Will this be forever known as Glastonbury 2009, the long one! :(

(And do they have enough beer/cider to sustain us!)

Edited by whatmidlifecrisis?
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