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Oasis fans at V this year, bloody nightmare!

Guest swanseajack61

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Having been to the Oasis gig in Cardiff on Friday I am having serious 2nd thoughts about going to V this year. Some of the people or so called fans Oasis attract are nothing short of scum. There were fights breaking out every 5-10 minutes and there was just an aggressive atmosphere most of the night.

I am not saying V is all lovey dovey and you do see the odd argument or even a few fists flying but Friday was a joke, fights, arguments, purposely throwing cups of beer and piss over people from as early as 5pm really spoilt the enjoyment of what was supposed to be a great gig and this has got me considering whether V is going to be worth it this year with all these clowns.

One of the main reasons in going to V is the friendly atmosphere and the chilled out vibe you get over the 2 days. I dread to think what the camp sites will be like all weekend with that sort of scum following them.

Anyone go when they were there in the 90s what was the weekend like?

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I persoanlly do not like Oasis but I think you usually find that a Gig of Oasis and a festival are different, yeah you do get an element of piss throwers, My family all went to the Heaton park gig just because they were selling tickets on the door at a £10, you will find that most of those Burberry Wearing Piss throwing chavs would never take the time and effort to attend a festival, they might get mud up their stripey socks, seriously I have been talking to sooo many people over the last month who went to Oasis and have never attended a gig in their life.

At least you know that if you watch someone else the night they are on the piss throwers will be elsewhere.

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Turn up, if it gets dodgy in one area go and find a different band to watch or just go further back from the crowd.

Doubt it will get so chavtastic as everyone thinks - probably get a few daytrippers but none will be camping as they don't have the thumbs to setup a tent or the reading skills for the instruction (destruction) manual. Let's face it they aren't exactly boyscouts either!

Think its getting a bit overblown, have never seen Oasis at a fest but Kasabian used to have a bit of a reputation for attracting chavs at times and they manage to have no trouble during their V sets.

If you're that worried then avoid the Oasis set, but don't waste your money by not going - its gonna be fine.

Besides if its remotely damp the chavs won't come, their proper gold sovs might rust ;-)

Edited by staffsknot
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I'm a big Oasis fan and i know exactly what you mean. I went to Heaton Park on the saturday and i was in the front pit, but i can honestly say i encountered more piss throwing at V Festival last yr than at Oasis at Heaton Park. This totally shocked me i must say. Where i was stood i didn't see one cup being thrown and i didn't see any touble either. I have to say though when we were walking in there was a lot of idiots around as usual and expected to get covered in piss haha!

When Oasis played V Festival back in 2005 i don't remember getting cups of piss on me at all. It was a pretty good set and good atmosphere from what i can remember. Like everyone is saying festival crowds are slightly different for Oasis, also V Festival was announced after the tour dates so a lot of people won't bother paying over £70 for a day ticket. You will get daytrippers but i don't think it will be that bad........*famous last words* ;)

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Piss throwing, i just dont understand it. Is this how chavs go to the toilet?

To be honest i dont get chavs at all and if any ruin this amazing weekend for me and others like me they should be gassed

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Having been to the Oasis gig in Cardiff on Friday I am having serious 2nd thoughts about going to V this year. Some of the people or so called fans Oasis attract are nothing short of scum. There were fights breaking out every 5-10 minutes and there was just an aggressive atmosphere most of the night.

I am not saying V is all lovey dovey and you do see the odd argument or even a few fists flying but Friday was a joke, fights, arguments, purposely throwing cups of beer and piss over people from as early as 5pm really spoilt the enjoyment of what was supposed to be a great gig and this has got me considering whether V is going to be worth it this year with all these clowns.

One of the main reasons in going to V is the friendly atmosphere and the chilled out vibe you get over the 2 days. I dread to think what the camp sites will be like all weekend with that sort of scum following them.

Anyone go when they were there in the 90s what was the weekend like?

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i'll repeat what i put on the same thread.

Since most would of seen them on their tour i reckon if anything they'd try and get Reading tickets for Arctic Monkeys and KOL.

piss throwing is because people can't be bothered to move or lose their spot so they piss in a cup, i do it sometimes, but i dont throw it i kind of tactically place it on the floor.

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