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So... I kept this title short as I imagine this will bring people in droves judging by other threads...

Can someone help me here... I don't understand the issue?

I have been going to Glasto since the 90s and I have never had an issue with chairs being there... perhaps right at the front in a mosh pit might be annoying but ban chairs altogether? This seems very discriminatory to me.. have you considered those with mobility issues that pay equal amounts to attend Glasto and may not be able to stand for long periods of time, like my good friend that I went with this year and who attends every year for example.. he suffers from back and feet problems making standing or sitting on the floor very hard and would be in severe pain if he stood for a 2 hour set without the ability to rest now and then on his wee camping stool...

I'm not trying to start a row with this thread, but I'd really like to know just what it is that is so bad about them? I would prefer to be able to party with people of all mobility than just people dancing their hearts out whilst others can't come to the main stages because they aren't allowed to sit down?

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So... I kept this title short as I imagine this will bring people in droves judging by other threads...

Can someone help me here... I don't understand the issue?

I have been going to Glasto since the 90s and I have never had an issue with chairs being there... perhaps right at the front in a mosh pit might be annoying but ban chairs altogether? This seems very discriminatory to me.. have you considered those with mobility issues that pay equal amounts to attend Glasto and may not be able to stand for long periods of time, like my good friend that I went with this year and who attends every year for example.. he suffers from back and feet problems making standing or sitting on the floor very hard and would be in severe pain if he stood for a 2 hour set without the ability to rest now and then on his wee camping stool...

I'm not trying to start a row with this thread, but I'd really like to know just what it is that is so bad about them? I would prefer to be able to party with people of all mobility than just people dancing their hearts out whilst others can't come to the main stages because they aren't allowed to sit down?

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The issue mainly was the thousands of chairs that were left still open but unused and not put away in totally packed audiences and the rather stinking attitudes from some of the chair owners. AND in the dark too!

You can see from the audience shots on the tv and with your own eyes at the fest that the audiences looked fecking enormous...in reality they probably were not, it was just the copious amounts of peeps sitting on their chairs. It really was like a wall on the Sunday afternoon.

Yes it was hot and of course its nice to sit somewhere comfy but the dry, not muddy ground surely sufficed...has done every previous year since the festival started!!! :ph34r:

The Pyramid Field on Sunday afternoon felt more like Hyde Park on the Last Night of the Proms than God afternoon at G.

Those chairs come with bags and in the past people have been witnessed carrying their unused chairs but this year...christ knows what happened. I know of folk that had some quite heated confrontations with chair users NOT using their chairs! The f**k you attitude from the chair users was just a tad shite.

The site is already too busy...it doesnt need half the field taken up with pices of shitty metal, plastic and canvas!

Next year should there be announcements before a show starts politely asking for people to pack their chairs away maybe? This isnt Hyde Park afterall.

Edited by LusciousLucy
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The issue mainly was the thousands of chairs that were left still open but unused and not put away in totally packed audiences and the rather stinking attitudes from some of the chair owners. AND in the dark too!

You can see from the audience shots on the tv and with your own eyes at the fest that the audiences looked fecking enormous...in reality they probably were not, it was just the copious amounts of peeps sitting on their chairs. It really was like a wall on the Sunday afternoon.

Yes it was hot and of course its nice to sit somewhere comfy but the dry, not muddy ground surely sufficed...has done every previous year since the festival started!!! :lol:

The Pyramid Field on Sunday afternoon felt more like Hyde Park on the Last Night of the Proms than God afternoon at G.

Those chairs come with bags and in the past people have been witnessed carrying their unused chairs but this year...christ knows what happened. I know of folk that had some quite heated confrontations with chair users NOT using their chairs! The f**k you attitude from the chair users was just a tad shite.

The site is already too busy...it doesnt need half the field taken up with pices of shitty metal, plastic and canvas!

Next year should there be announcements before a show starts politely asking for people to pack their chairs away maybe? This isnt Hyde Park afterall.

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oh f**k, I'm going to see blur in hyde park tomorrow. Is it going to be a city of chairs???


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They're not even that comfy either cos of the metal digging into your thighs and shoulders when you sit on them. The only time chairs are necessary are around the camp when it's muddy. Other than that, I can't stand em AND 99% of people just leave them on site!

Admittedly I left mine on site but I wasn't going to take home the piece of shite that I bought from Joe Bananas on the grounds that after only 2 sits the front legs snapped. I did put it in a bin though and not just strewn but I still felt guilty.

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This is the sort of thing that has convinced me that Glastonbury is not what it was. The festival is supposed to be for everyone, whatever the race, creed, age, sex or anything else. Maybe the bod sitting reading when Blur were on didn't like them, but others he was with did. Should be be banished from the site?

Should the festival still be going in 30 years, I wonder how many of the whingers will be using chairs? Many will as life's little battle scars (motorbike accident in my case) catch up with them. Why do so many (youngsters mostly it seems) think that the festival is put on soley for their benefit, and anyone else's needs should be casually brushed aside as whatever it is irritates them in some way.

Many of those using chairs might well be on the way ending up in wheelchairs in the coming years, being only able to stand for a short time for some reason - should they be banned too? Or banished to the edges of the crowd?

The utter selfishness displayed by so many posters here is really quite astounding - do they never think that one day but for the grace of god go they? Just because someone has the requisite number of legs and arms doesn't mean they don't have problems.

And, of course, they might just be happier sitting down - each unto their own, and who's to say they are wrong?

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Noone is saying anyone should be banned...but a total lack of selfishness and a hell of a lot more consideration for others should be the order of the day.

The ground was green, dry and quite ok to sit on. Nuff said!

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This is the sort of thing that has convinced me that Glastonbury is not what it was. The festival is supposed to be for everyone, whatever the race, creed, age, sex or anything else. Maybe the bod sitting reading when Blur were on didn't like them, but others he was with did. Should be be banished from the site?

Should the festival still be going in 30 years, I wonder how many of the whingers will be using chairs? Many will as life's little battle scars (motorbike accident in my case) catch up with them. Why do so many (youngsters mostly it seems) think that the festival is put on soley for their benefit, and anyone else's needs should be casually brushed aside as whatever it is irritates them in some way.

Many of those using chairs might well be on the way ending up in wheelchairs in the coming years, being only able to stand for a short time for some reason - should they be banned too? Or banished to the edges of the crowd?

The utter selfishness displayed by so many posters here is really quite astounding - do they never think that one day but for the grace of god go they? Just because someone has the requisite number of legs and arms doesn't mean they don't have problems.

And, of course, they might just be happier sitting down - each unto their own, and who's to say they are wrong?

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ok for the people who have issues standing. but rows of 20/30 chairs in a row? come on...
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They're not even that comfy either cos of the metal digging into your thighs and shoulders when you sit on them. The only time chairs are necessary are around the camp when it's muddy. Other than that, I can't stand em AND 99% of people just leave them on site!

Admittedly I left mine on site but I wasn't going to take home the piece of shite that I bought from Joe Bananas on the grounds that after only 2 sits the front legs snapped. I did put it in a bin though and not just strewn but I still felt guilty.

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When I say Hyde Park I mean more the poncy shows like the Last Night at the Proms...the ones where nice people take picnics and bubbly! I take a blanket meself but its usually a sea of chairs...hell...my rents asked if I could festy scavenge them some to bring back for their poncy picnic summer show activities!!! :lol:
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You dont go to Glasto to be COMFY ffs do you now??? But it would seem that that is the way the festy is kinda going now. Oh bugger!

There were times when I wanted to sit in one of the empty chairs during Madness cos my feet were utterly killing me but didnt dare ask because, ok I assumed, but I kinda thought to myself it isnt worth asking cos I will only get a shitty reply from the muppet not using the chair! We were veritably penned in up at the speaker stack we were stood at. And when it came to trying to leave the area...if we got caught by a chair...it came with us caught on a leg or a foot..unceremoniously and tough shit if the owner had a problem with it. :lol: The crush would not have been anywhere near as bad as it was had it not been for the chairs.

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Fair enough chairs at the back, but they get in the way down the front. A crowd surge pushed me from behind and I thumped into 2 chairs nearly knocking them and the people in them over. They had a go at me FFS! If I had fallen on them, myself and them could easily have been crushed from the crowd behind. If they were standing up they would have flowed with the crowd, that is why the should be BANNED at the front from about 7pm onwards at the big stages. They are a hazzard, so saying 'youngsters thinking Glastonbury only for them' has f*ck all to do with it, it's common sense. What happened to 'years of wisdom' these 'elders' are supposed to have!?

Edited by BenchBuddah
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The great thing about the real Glasto is that I didn't actually encounter any of the miserable whingers that this electronic forum seems to attract.

Some people like to do their music standing up at the front, some prefer to sit further back. Some people for health reasons have no choice (earlier example of guy with motorcycle accident injuries).

I used to do a lot of my music at the front but now I carry a chair as a bad back resulting from a collapsed disc means I can't stand for too long. I always sit well to the back and make sure that I didn't block anyone's view.

What do the anti-chair brigade propose - fitness certificates before people can attend or possibly a ban on anyone who is disabled?

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the only problem with chairs personally was the bulk of them when in crowds they were the types of chairs i talked about in my thread when looking to buy one. they are overly long and thick. having them constantly bang into u was a nightmare!!!!

after carrying around a rucksack to the fest the last thing i wanted to do was lug around bulky chair!

and to those that said they sell 'all kinds of funky ones' there is a complete and utter liar!!!!!! they had bog standard tripe thats £5.99 in wilkos @ £10 in the festival. the odd funky one but they were cheap tat!!!!

thankfully needed need a chair this year but will defo get that robert dyas one for when i hopefully travel by car!

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as said, chairs are fine, but when you can see masses of space ahead of you, but cant get to it because there is a giant wall of chairs, it takes the piss.

and most of the chairs were either empty or had people sitting on them reading books and clearly not even bothered about who was playing. i even saw one guy with earphones in!!

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