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Guest tell

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Hi all,

Was just wondering if there was any plans for an efest meet on the friday night this year?

I am aware of the camp but think a meet would be a good idea for everyone on the boards who isn't gunna be able to make it to the camp in orange.

whats everyones thoughts on this?

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Thats the plan stanley!!

Or at least I hope it is.......?!?!

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Thats a super idea!!! (yet lots of work me thinks)

we could get silly V t-shirts printed also?

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Getting drunk with some random people is basically what V is every year for me so why the hell not!

What about doing the simple thing and ordering a few e-festivals t-shirts as I think drunk people and pins could lead to a medical emergency (especially if I have to carry someone back up the trail).

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or even simpler arrange a time n place and all carry Something of the same... i'll be the one with a can of carling!!! ha ha ha ha

The efest t-shirts idea is a cool one

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Getting drunk with some random people is basically what V is every year for me so why the hell not!

What about doing the simple thing and ordering a few e-festivals t-shirts as I think drunk people and pins could lead to a medical emergency (especially if I have to carry someone back up the trail).

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We could all wear - "I paid to see Seasick Steve and all I got was McFly" t-shirts made up :D

Alexx 'hardcore stickers' just made me think of Enter Shikari or something. Anyway industrial strength adhesive could be worse, I don't want to carry someone who's worse for wear up the hill and find I'm gaffer-taped to them!

Only teasing.

I fear I may be missed as I will not be carrying a Carling but probably a tramp juice.

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i'm sure this got arranged last year by laura to meet at the indie disco (or rather outside it) and don't think many turned up and then people couldn't get into the indie disco as it was packed!

I am happy to meet up with who ever, when ever as i'll be camping in orange with the gang! :)

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Yeah the whole meet thing never works at V. It always gets organised and then people just end up getting side tracked with other things or generally cant be bothered 2 go on the day lol. Best thing would be 4 everyone just 2 meet at the orange camp one night after the arena closes

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Yeah the whole meet thing never works at V. It always gets organised and then people just end up getting side tracked with other things or generally cant be bothered 2 go on the day lol. Best thing would be 4 everyone just 2 meet at the orange camp one night after the arena closes
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Hi all,

Was just wondering if there was any plans for an efest meet on the friday night this year?

I am aware of the camp but think a meet would be a good idea for everyone on the boards who isn't gunna be able to make it to the camp in orange.

whats everyones thoughts on this?

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