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One for the girl

Guest discoheaven

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This is my first ever festival, and I think it's fair to say I'm a bit of a girly girl (I'm already planning what to wear each day). I've never been camping, so I don't know how a few things work.

I really am trying not to be such a girl about this festival but I'm confused about a few things.

1) How do you brush your teeth? With a bottle of water I would assume?

2) Make up - is it worth wearing any? Day to day I do wear make up (concealer, foundation, bronzer, blusher, eyeshadow, eyeliner mascara) but I wonder, is better to go au natural even if I don't particularly want to?

3) Clothes - I plan to live in my denim skirt with leggings then a t shirt/vests depending on the weather. I'm guessing a hoody is always a good idea but when is rain will a poncho suffice? Or should I bring a 'proper' coat? Is there any point in bringing flip flops or is is wellies all the way?

4) Is it even possible to shave your legs there or would I just be better off getting waxed beforehand and avoiding it completely?

5) Where do you put your dirty clothes? Is a black bag ok, don't really want to put them back in my bag if they're mucky.

6) Alcohol - when you go into the arena, do people just leave their alcohol in their tent? Will it get stolen?

7) Is it even worth attempting to use the showers? Or are they filthy? I don't know if it's worth the effort when I'll be armed with millions of baby wipes? But at the same time 3 days without a shower is abit frightening :D

I think that's all I can think of right now, reading it back I sound slightly high maintenance but I'm hoping I'm not the only girl (or boy) who has these same questions?

I appreciate all of your advice!!!!

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You can still attend festivals and be girly :D

1) Yep you got it in one, bottle of water outside your tent, its not as bad as it sounds!

2) I wear exactly the same makeup at festivals as i do everyday just buy one of those little compact mirrors and put it on in your tent, easy peasy! Make sure to take lots of makeup wipes with you though as the rain tends to destroy eyemake up easily

3) When i first started going 2 festies i took a 'proper coat' but now i just take a poncho, it rolls up small enough to fit in your bag so you dont have to carry and massive coat around with you all day and if you have a hoody on under neath u dont get 2 cold.

4) I dont shave at V as its only a few days but at glastonbury i take a solar shower and do it outside my tent

5) Bin bag

6) Leave it in your tent, not alot you can do if it gets stolen but thiefs are more likeley to go for money and valubles rather than beer.

7) I've never used them, did q for them in 2007 but when i got 2 the front after about 20 mins there was a big poo in there lol so safe 2 say i left it! If your that fussed about having a shower buy a solar one they are a god send. Think there only £5 from argos

Hope that helps!

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Haha, brilliant!!

Good for you, asking questions like that. You sound like a very girly girl, and I'm well impressed with you doing the whole camping thing in the first place. The couple of girly-girls I've gone out with in the past wouldn't even contemplate living in a tent for one night, never mind 3 with very little amenities!


1) Yeah just with a bottle of water. Listerine is your friend too

2) Don't bother with any make-up. No-one else will be wearing any anyway so there's no point in the least making yourself look glamorous for anyone else - they honestly won't care. Plus it's just more stuff you have to clean off yourself without the use of running water.

3) Wear whatever you like. It's always a toss up with what the weather will be doing. If it's a nice weekend, you'll kick yourself carting loads of heavy warm clothes around, if it's wet they you'll be kicking yourself for not bringing enough! I take flip-flops, a pair of trainers and a pair of wellies, then I'm covered for everything. Ponchos I find are generally shit I find, so a waterproof coat, a hoody and loads of t-shirts will cover most weather situations.

4) Not really a problem with me but I would defionately do them before you get there and then leave it. Again, no-one will care about your stubbly legs. I promise.

5) Yeah. Just bung them in a bin bag at the bottom of your bag. Or do what I do. Buy a handful of clothes from the charity shop beforehand for a quid a go and when they get trashed you just throw them away over the weekend.

6) Leave it in the tent. I've never had anything stolen frmm my tent at any festival. Just make it a pigsty and it will deter people from snatch-and-grab robberies.

7) I wouldn't bother with the showers. The queue's always massive and if it's a mudbath like it was last year, I saw bods come back from the showers with just as much mud up them on the way back as they had on their way to them. Wet-wipes are your friend.

Hope this helps, and don't worry about being a bit minging - don't forget, everyone is in the same boat and really honestly won't care what you look like or smell like. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!

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well I did think at first that everyone on here would take the p*ss out of me for being such a girly loser but with a month to go this is really the only place I can ask these questions. everyone is quite well informed on here but I haven't really seen these questions answered anywhere so needs must!

I take comfort in the fact that my best mate who I'm going with (who is also a festival virgin) is more girly than me! It's hard to know what to expect. I hope I cope as I want to go to Glastonbury next year....this is my dry run of sorts.

I really appreciate your advice and for not laughing me off the forum!

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You can always put them in a green bag, or if you're feeling adventurous, a white bag!

Actually seriously it's great that you have asked these sort of questions because I know my girlfriend has exactly the same concerns. She was moaning last night that she wouldn't have her straighteners for 3 whole days and she thinks she looks silly in a hat! I'm trying to convince her that her in a hat will not be the silliest dressed person there!

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You can always put them in a green bag, or if you're feeling adventurous, a white bag!

Actually seriously it's great that you have asked these sort of questions because I know my girlfriend has exactly the same concerns. She was moaning last night that she wouldn't have her straighteners for 3 whole days and she thinks she looks silly in a hat! I'm trying to convince her that her in a hat will not be the silliest dressed person there!

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A white bag sounds oh so very adventurous but reading my initial post - we all know adventurous isn't really what I'm about!

Tell your girlfriend she can buy portable hair straighteners from Amazon for about £20 or alternatively take festival chic by the throat and embrace the headscarf or hair band. That's my plan! Also dry shampoo will be her friend.

Another random question: how many pairs of socks should i take with me? I'm thinking 6 pairs as I think fresh clean socks must make a world of difference when you feel dirty?

Also what sort of bag should I take? I imagine many attendees will have those big rucksacks but I dont own one, is a weekend bag just completely inappropriate?

Thanks in advance you kind, kind people!

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Well i'm a strange mix of girly and slightly outdoorsy so i've dealt with most of your issues at some point.

1) Just do it outside your tent with a water bottle, and see if your dentist has any free toothpaste samples - they're just the right size for a festival!

2) I just minimise it a bit - lipbalm/gloss and eyeliner are my essentials, cos just a small bit of make-up can make you feel more human and girly.

3) You can get good ponchos like mine in my avatar, got it from Mounatin Warehouse, not that pricey (plus i had student discount at the time) and good quality, got a pink one this year! The rest of your clothes sound good for festivals - layering is good especially when you're away from your tent most of the day. Last year i survived with wellies (pretty ones of course) and cheap primark pumps.

4) I'll probably wait til a bit closer to the time and check the weather reports - if it seems good possibly go for waxing, or find a bowl of warm water and shave there

5) Bin bag is fine

6)It should be fine in your tent

7) Last year i had a shower friday morning then survived the weekend on baby wipes/body spray and dry shampoo/headbands/hats - was too busy to really think about showering!

With socks 5/6 is prob around the right number - you dont want to be stuck in wet socks, and long stripey socks are even better!

Last year i took my Billabong backpack (it's pink!) and it was just the right size for my clothes however we had another bag with 'kit' stuff in, and then out sleeping bags in old style Guide bedding rolls lol! :D

Hope that helps!

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This post has answered a few of my questions, so thanks discoheaven as I had been plucking up the courage to start a thread but was worried about getting laughed off here....

I am going with a Glasto veteran who said "if I can get you through V, I'll get you to Glasto next year"!

I wouldn't say I was really girly, but the thought of no showers / unable to wash hair for 3 days does worry me a little. Time to get hold of some dry shampoo.

Wonder if I could add another query to this thread:

I'm going shopping for "essentials" over the next few days - I have been known to overpack (well that's putting it mildly) for holidays, and have had a look at previous threads but the lists seem really long, I saw one which I think was originally from the Glasto forum and it made me feel all dizzy (no change there then).

So (bearing in mind GV is bringing the tent) here's the list so far:

sleeping bag

big rucksack (65L?)

wellies and cheap pumps (already have walking boots as an inbetween option)

rainmac and/or poncho


wetwipes to the power of many

toilet roll

Will be trying to keep the clothes to a minimum (so I can squeeze in some alcohol!)

Is there anything else that I really really need?

All help greatly received! <_<

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So (bearing in mind GV is bringing the tent) here's the list so far:

sleeping bag

big rucksack (65L?)

wellies and cheap pumps (already have walking boots as an inbetween option)

rainmac and/or poncho


wetwipes to the power of many

toilet roll

Will be trying to keep the clothes to a minimum (so I can squeeze in some alcohol!)

Is there anything else that I really really need?

All help greatly received! <_<

Edited by staffsknot
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The Glasto list is mental, an army could survive on it.

Leave the trainers in the car and take the wellies in with hiking boots, if its sunny you can grab your trainers and ditch the wellies - why carry everything?

Towel (pack towel or something)

Change of clothes to leave in the car

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i wouldnt bother with hiking boots myself at v, friday theres hardly any walking 2 be done as theres nothing to do so it only leaves sat and sun and the stages are 5 mins away from each other so really no need for them, i do more walking when i go shopping! Best just taking a pair of wellies and then some comfy shoes you dont mind getting muddy.

Also dont bother wasting your money on those portable gas straightneres trust me they are completley useless if your that bothred u might aswell just pay the £5 to get it straightened on site, but i very much doubt u will want to waste ur time straightenin ur hair when ur actually there!

The rucksack tip was really good aswell, dont under estimate how much a nice comfy rucksack makes a difference when your struggling with all your stuff on the way there.

AND never ever EVER wear jeans they are the worst thing you can wear at a festival if they get the slightest bit wet you will be soaked for the rest of the day, legging and skirts/dresses are the way forward as they dry really quickly and if it gets really sunny u can just whip them off n put in ur bag <_<

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Well i'm a strange mix of girly and slightly outdoorsy so i've dealt with most of your issues at some point.

1) Just do it outside your tent with a water bottle, and see if your dentist has any free toothpaste samples - they're just the right size for a festival!

2) I just minimise it a bit - lipbalm/gloss and eyeliner are my essentials, cos just a small bit of make-up can make you feel more human and girly.

3) You can get good ponchos like mine in my avatar, got it from Mounatin Warehouse, not that pricey (plus i had student discount at the time) and good quality, got a pink one this year! The rest of your clothes sound good for festivals - layering is good especially when you're away from your tent most of the day. Last year i survived with wellies (pretty ones of course) and cheap primark pumps.

4) I'll probably wait til a bit closer to the time and check the weather reports - if it seems good possibly go for waxing, or find a bowl of warm water and shave there

5) Bin bag is fine

6)It should be fine in your tent

7) Last year i had a shower friday morning then survived the weekend on baby wipes/body spray and dry shampoo/headbands/hats - was too busy to really think about showering!

With socks 5/6 is prob around the right number - you dont want to be stuck in wet socks, and long stripey socks are even better!

Last year i took my Billabong backpack (it's pink!) and it was just the right size for my clothes however we had another bag with 'kit' stuff in, and then out sleeping bags in old style Guide bedding rolls lol! <_<

Hope that helps!

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This is my first ever festival, and I think it's fair to say I'm a bit of a girly girl (I'm already planning what to wear each day). I've never been camping, so I don't know how a few things work.

I really am trying not to be such a girl about this festival but I'm confused about a few things.

1) How do you brush your teeth? With a bottle of water I would assume?

2) Make up - is it worth wearing any? Day to day I do wear make up (concealer, foundation, bronzer, blusher, eyeshadow, eyeliner mascara) but I wonder, is better to go au natural even if I don't particularly want to?

3) Clothes - I plan to live in my denim skirt with leggings then a t shirt/vests depending on the weather. I'm guessing a hoody is always a good idea but when is rain will a poncho suffice? Or should I bring a 'proper' coat? Is there any point in bringing flip flops or is is wellies all the way?

4) Is it even possible to shave your legs there or would I just be better off getting waxed beforehand and avoiding it completely?

5) Where do you put your dirty clothes? Is a black bag ok, don't really want to put them back in my bag if they're mucky.

6) Alcohol - when you go into the arena, do people just leave their alcohol in their tent? Will it get stolen?

7) Is it even worth attempting to use the showers? Or are they filthy? I don't know if it's worth the effort when I'll be armed with millions of baby wipes? But at the same time 3 days without a shower is abit frightening :unsure:

I think that's all I can think of right now, reading it back I sound slightly high maintenance but I'm hoping I'm not the only girl (or boy) who has these same questions?

I appreciate all of your advice!!!!

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1) use a tooth brush. A bottle of water will only frustrate you.

2) It depends on how drunk you are, have been. for instance if you have drunk a shed load the night before, you will feel like poo, so you will more than likely look like poo. So perhaps you will want a little colour on that Casper like face.

If your drunk still..dont bother. you will only look like the Joker..or Ray Charles did it for you.

3) as little as possible, but they must be important.. i.e. a giant baby's nappy..

4) get a wax. you will cut your leg off.

5) Your friends bag. at the bottom. underneath some of thier stuff.

6) it makes no difference. you will always wake up and swear you had more than you have...

7) Showers? as a male i will say no problem. but as a male i also oggle females on the way and returning from the shower. They are a bit scummy and hectic(showers that is not you lot). personally i suggest a load of wet wipes. Just make sure they are wet wipes and not Make up remover things... not a nice thing to happen to a mans 'area'

im sure what ever you do you will be fine...just remember the showers though. im the one disguised as a bath towel....

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This is my first ever festival, and I think it's fair to say I'm a bit of a girly girl (I'm already planning what to wear each day). I've never been camping, so I don't know how a few things work.

I really am trying not to be such a girl about this festival but I'm confused about a few things.

1) How do you brush your teeth? With a bottle of water I would assume?

2) Make up - is it worth wearing any? Day to day I do wear make up (concealer, foundation, bronzer, blusher, eyeshadow, eyeliner mascara) but I wonder, is better to go au natural even if I don't particularly want to?

3) Clothes - I plan to live in my denim skirt with leggings then a t shirt/vests depending on the weather. I'm guessing a hoody is always a good idea but when is rain will a poncho suffice? Or should I bring a 'proper' coat? Is there any point in bringing flip flops or is is wellies all the way?

4) Is it even possible to shave your legs there or would I just be better off getting waxed beforehand and avoiding it completely?

5) Where do you put your dirty clothes? Is a black bag ok, don't really want to put them back in my bag if they're mucky.

6) Alcohol - when you go into the arena, do people just leave their alcohol in their tent? Will it get stolen?

7) Is it even worth attempting to use the showers? Or are they filthy? I don't know if it's worth the effort when I'll be armed with millions of baby wipes? But at the same time 3 days without a shower is abit frightening :O

I think that's all I can think of right now, reading it back I sound slightly high maintenance but I'm hoping I'm not the only girl (or boy) who has these same questions?

I appreciate all of your advice!!!!

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