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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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Here here!! More time set aside for doing fuck all!...It's why I hate going to the gym after work (that and I hate most doing most sporting things as I am mostly shit), leaves very little time before bed to just sit around doing fuck all.

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I struggle doing nothing but actually love doing nothing once in a while. It's one of the reasons why I enjoy going to festivals. Guilts get left at the gate. Once there you can't do any of your normal 'jobs/tasks' and have to switch off. No computer, no e-mails to answer, no phone messages, not able to prepare any work.no Mrs GH suggesting things that could be done around the house.

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A festival isn't doing nothing though. It's doing something enjoyable rather than productive, but it's doing something. It's an experience, it's not just wallowing on the internet playing stupid games/watching stupid youtube clubs/reading the 18th article of the day on how Cameron's a c**t.

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Yep, think you may have hit the nail on the head there. I think I devote too many hours f*cking about on the internet. That's OK in works time of course but I think I need to do at least one or two other things during the evenings of the week. Can't remember the last time I read a book for instance. Haven't been to the gym in over a year and a half (despite being on a fixed contract with them!) etc etc Of course I could go out and get myself a girlfriend but it seems so much trouble to go to, at times.

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You can't ever really do 'nothing', can you? I suppose we have been conditioned into linking 'nothing' with relaxing and enjoying ourselves. It's amazing when you think about how easily manipulated we all are.

This whole notion of always having to be "productive" really bothers me. I have workaholic friends who do overtime for free, not because they enjoy the work, far from it, but because they take pride in being a machine. That's it. It's a badge of honour. We live in a monetary system - our bosses wouldn't get out of bed for the pay they give us so unless you get paid for your work then don't be such a fucking chump.

Of course, you can't say that because that's "negative". Buck up your ideas, son etc. The worst one is being deemed 'unprofessional' for speaking against authority or rocking the boat. That really pisses me off. Some people seem to think that being professional means swallowing any old crap and blindly following orders, which is the exact opposite to the level of respect you should have for a given craft in order to be a professional-anything. I know so many people who have mistaken 'being a professional' with 'being a mug'.

I wonder why that is? They can criticise you but you can't criticise them. You work for free but they pay themselves what they like when they like. So annoying. It's just pathetic power plays by psychopaths, and our system seems to reward the psychopath over the sane and qualified.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Purple Monkey, I agree with you in principle, and I admire anyone who can avoid the whole con.

But how can you survive when you have to work to get enough income to do the things you really want to do?

I envy anyone who gets paid for doing something they're really good at, and that they love doing.

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You can't ever really do 'nothing', can you? I suppose we have been conditioned into linking 'nothing' with relaxing and enjoying ourselves. It's amazing when you think about how easily manipulated we all are.

This whole notion of always having to be "productive" really bothers me. I have workaholic friends who do overtime for free, not because they enjoy the work, far from it, but because they take pride in being a machine. That's it. It's a badge of honour. We live in a monetary system - our bosses wouldn't get out of bed for the pay they give us so unless you get paid for your work then don't be such a fucking chump.

Of course, you can't say that because that's "negative". Buck up your ideas, son etc. The worst one is being deemed 'unprofessional' for speaking against authority or rocking the boat. That really pisses me off. Some people seem to think that being professional means swallowing any old crap and blindly following orders, which is the exact opposite to the level of respect you should have for a given craft in order to be a professional-anything. I know so many people who have mistaken 'being a professional' with 'being a mug'.

I wonder why that is? They can criticise you but you can't criticise them. You work for free but they pay themselves what they like when they like. So annoying. It's just pathetic power plays by psychopaths, and our system seems to reward the psychopath over the sane and qualified.

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I do have similar 'times'... sometimes I just go out the door and walk, or get on the tube, or the bus and sort of keep going and wait to see what happens before the walls start moving in!.. picking up the guitar and going on youtube to learn a new song (the tutorials are fantastic) is very relaxing and rewarding.

I didn't mean to say 'worse' than doing nothing.... that implies it's a bad thing, which I don't think is the case.

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It's the fact that I don't do anything and don't enjoy it. When I do nothing and enjoy it that's fine. But I've wasted so much of my life being unhappy AND unproductive. I like to be able to find some positive from what I'm doing.

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Although I am having a relatively happy day today there's a personal addiction which is annoying me, and has been for some time. If I'm honest it's ruined my physical and financial health. Can't seem to shake it off. It's got under my skin. Strange really when I was a fully fledged alcoholic and managed (eventually) to give that up for 2 years and also fags for a year. Strangely enough I was off most things until I got to Glasto last year ( I didn't go in 2010). I thought I'll be OK taking some mushrooms and they'll be no need to drink or smoke. I lasted a day at this until I simply had to have a drink and a fag. The rest is history. The new stuff is the legal plant food kind of stuff. It's just too easy to go and buy over the counter. I'm not saying that's a bad thing in terms of legalising things because I am not. The issue really is the cost. I listen to the news of beheadings and hangings etc in Mexico and realise that the system is really f*cked and lends itself to artificially high prices.

Another thing which annoys me in this general area is why proper pharmaceutical companies aren't allowed to put on the market drugs which get you off your box for a short period of time but have the same side affects as say a paracetemol tablet. They must already have this info from their R & D. Going out in a bit which should lift my spirits.

Sorry if that was a tiresome rant. And in a way, thanks for listening. Have a lovely weekend.

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Although I am having a relatively happy day today there's a personal addiction which is annoying me, and has been for some time. If I'm honest it's ruined my physical and financial health. Can't seem to shake it off. It's got under my skin. Strange really when I was a fully fledged alcoholic and managed (eventually) to give that up for 2 years and also fags for a year. Strangely enough I was off most things until I got to Glasto last year ( I didn't go in 2010). I thought I'll be OK taking some mushrooms and they'll be no need to drink or smoke. I lasted a day at this until I simply had to have a drink and a fag. The rest is history. The new stuff is the legal plant food kind of stuff. It's just too easy to go and buy over the counter. I'm not saying that's a bad thing in terms of legalising things because I am not. The issue really is the cost. I listen to the news of beheadings and hangings etc in Mexico and realise that the system is really f*cked and lends itself to artificially high prices.

Another thing which annoys me in this general area is why proper pharmaceutical companies aren't allowed to put on the market drugs which get you off your box for a short period of time but have the same side affects as say a paracetemol tablet. They must already have this info from their R & D. Going out in a bit which should lift my spirits.

Sorry if that was a tiresome rant. And in a way, thanks for listening. Have a lovely weekend.

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