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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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You must meet my middle child...... :P

As for your day, that's a right downward spiral. Glad you recovered to an extent. I don;t know much about panic attacks, but the repeated wrong decisions rings a bell. Fix it by taking time to compose yourself. Problem is, you either haven;t got the time, or you think you haven't. Gets slightly easier as you get older, if that's any help....

Edited by BlackHole2006
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We are far more superior then you pesky adults! :P

But anyway, I've had prettey much one of the crappest mornings of my life. Woke up at 8:00, though "I'll have another half an hours sleep" Woke up again and looked at the time, it was 9:05. I was late. So stressed out getting ready and I kept on making so many mistakes. Then I went to the station and mum drove past me and gave me a fiver for the train ticket, I thought I didn't need it because I had money in my pocket. Anyway, I got to the train station and realised that I didn't have enough money for a return ticket so I was really pissed off with myself. Got onto the train. Realised that I had to get the train on Plaform Two, stayed on the train however and the train left at 10:00. Got to Crawley and walked to college because I had to go to this careers thingy in brighton today. Got all nervous because I realised that there were only girls going and only 3 people I knew going who were utter f**kwits. Went upstairs to ring up mum saying that I wouldn't be attending the careers thing because I was having another one of my panic attacks again. She didn't pick up, tried again, she didn't pick up. By the time she picked up I was an absolute wreck.

Had to go to learning support and they sorted me out. I'm ok now but that was the absolute worst morning ever. It's like your thinking, "What else could possibly go wrong" and then something worse happens then the thing that happened before.

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