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Cups of Piss

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Yeah, mine was at Oasis at Wembley last year. Start of the gig. Hit me square in the middle of my back. Absolutely f**king soaked. All over my rare (I have never seen another one) turquoise Oasis Glastonbury June 25th 2004 T-shirt. I never realised a pint could hold so much.

I am also remembering a story told at school, about a certain guy who got pissed over at a festival and didnt wash for five days afterwards.

Edited by MrZigster
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A little anecdote from Glastonbury 07 which will probably disgust all of you by the sounds of things...

Thought I was clever buying 2 beers for Arcade fire's set, because I didnt want to to have to go and buy another whlst they was on, however in drinking two pints of beer I really needed to go to the toilet, they had literally just come on and I was about 10 rows of people from the front of the Other stage and really didn't want to miss them. I didn't do it in a bottle or cup or anything I literally just pissed myself.... Surely its alright if everyone else is none the wiser? I emptied my boots later at my mates camp site just telling him it was water....And i got away with it.

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A little anecdote from Glastonbury 07 which will probably disgust all of you by the sounds of things...

Thought I was clever buying 2 beers for Arcade fire's set, because I didnt want to to have to go and buy another whlst they was on, however in drinking two pints of beer I really needed to go to the toilet, they had literally just come on and I was about 10 rows of people from the front of the Other stage and really didn't want to miss them. I didn't do it in a bottle or cup or anything I literally just pissed myself.... Surely its alright if everyone else is none the wiser? I emptied my boots later at my mates camp site just telling him it was water....And i got away with it.

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First off there are HUNDREDS of toilets across the site.

I know people wait to get a great spot for a favorite band, and I think there's one thing being in that situation and having a quiet pee into a bottle and disposing of it later. Hurling anything in a crowd though, especially a potentially lethal projectile like a bottle of liquid should be completely unacceptable! If you threw a bottle which hit someone in a crowded shopping street surely it would be assault of some description!

Isn't Glastonbury about being nice to each other for a bit?

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I am pretty certain the old cups of piss thing is pretty much a myth, no doubt it has happened but it's not as common as it would seem and as the myth makes out, I've been randomly hit by dozens of cups of warm liquid over the years and not once has it ever been piss.

Beer gets warm when held in your hands in paper cups, especially if the weather is nice, it gets warm and flat and people fling it.

Just because it's wet and warm does not make it piss, but of course it makes for a much better tale to tell people if it is piss, "i got hit in the face with warm flat beer" just doesn't carry the same impact as "i got hit in the face with a cup of warm piss" when you are being the consummate raconteur!

Personally i don't mind when getting hit or when people around me get hit it's funny and a cheer always goes up, there is that initial " oh no this better not be the mythical piss i hear so much about" that goes through you head upon taking a shot to the head but it has yet to be the case for me or anyone i know or have ever spoken to about it.

Edited by .jay.
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if its dry, the grass will soak it up, if its been raining, itll be all mud n water anyway

i wonder if the cows get this much grief for weeing on the grass

Edited by madspaceangel
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A little anecdote from Glastonbury 07 which will probably disgust all of you by the sounds of things...

Thought I was clever buying 2 beers for Arcade fire's set, because I didnt want to to have to go and buy another whlst they was on, however in drinking two pints of beer I really needed to go to the toilet, they had literally just come on and I was about 10 rows of people from the front of the Other stage and really didn't want to miss them. I didn't do it in a bottle or cup or anything I literally just pissed myself.... Surely its alright if everyone else is none the wiser? I emptied my boots later at my mates camp site just telling him it was water....And i got away with it.

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What with the strange support there seems to be for p!$$ing in crowds, p!$$ing then pouring/throwing it or even just throwing stuff in general ... I think next time I'm at some party or other, I'll just take a leak against the TV when I need one or maybe even in me glass and then bung it in the vague direction of the bathroom without any concern for who might be standing between me and where it lands. Just seems like the right thing to do and all that and so jolly convenient. I mean you don't want to miss any of the party by having to go to all the effort of wandering upstairs to the toilet and not to mention finding that there's someone already using it when you get there :P

P!$$ in the crowd if you absolutely must but at least have the decency to deposit it in the right place sometime later. Throw it or absolutely anything else and you're a selfish and inconsiderate tw@t in all respects with no exceptions and you totally deserve to be forcibly ejected from the gig IMHO.

Absolutely no surprise really I suppose but the last Oasis gig I was at, I ended up being up on the balcony rather than standing. The amount of p!$$, beer and other cr@p various being quite deliberately launched into the standing crowd was almost un-fcuking-believable and it was a relatively small indoor gig not the usual massive venue or stadium jobbie :P

To those who say it doesn't happen at Glasto ... it does unfortunately, just not in anything like the same quantity as at other festivals/gigs. Seen it a few times along with some tw@t just whipping it out and p!$$ing on the ground in the middle of the crowd. Mostly all over the legs of the peeps unfortunate enough to be standing in front of him needless to say :P

If you don't have the bladder control of an average 5 year old or can't understand the connection between beer input and p!$$ output then seek professional help or get a catheter installed FFS !

Edited by mikeb
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I've only done this once and it was at the pyramid stage during The Who, when the heavens had opened for what seemed like forever.I had spent 8 hours lugging stuff to the car in that disgraceful mud so when we got to the who had quite a few well deserved drinky poo's, anyway it was a massive crowd and i could not bear anymore walking /missing half the set and doubt i could of held it in. So i did the deed in a cheaky little fanta bottle (underneath my poncho) and placed the sealed bottle in my bag and disposed of it correctly.

I think this is perfectly acceptable and i would do it again if it was neccesary. don't get me wrong though, i will make every effort to go the toilet and i have missed 40minutes of a gig loads of times. people who piss on the floor are disgusting and should have there face smeared in the mud, likewise with people who launch objects.

Last year at the festival I was mainly drinking vodka and coke and this seemed to help with needing a piss, also I found it gave me better energy levels than drinking cider all day. only bad point was it's taste by day 6! eurgh warm flat coke and vodka .

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