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Food money

Guest Glasto-Virgin

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So many people take food to eat and most of the time it does not get eaten and then wantonly dumped cos the folks cant be arsed to take it back to the car. :P

Its a nice idea yes but unless you are super serious about cooking etc its a lot easier and tastier to go to one of the hundreds of amazing food stalls and buy yummy stuff.

If you are on a budget go for the carb heavy and large meals that will fill you up cheaply eg. Oggies (the giant pasties) or saver meals like the one in the pic (which by the way is NEXT to the Cider Bus!)

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The way to save money is on the booze, if you are coming by car take all the tins you can and spirits, decanted in to plastic bottles and mixers. Food is better and cheaper the further you get from the main stages there is veggie food stalls all over the site but from the jazz world up to the green fields is the best place to look with a wide variety of options. As a meat eater my favourite place is called Yam the casarver sp on the left as you walk from the jazz world to the meeting point and they do a very good vegetarian. The price is I think £6 and is a full proper meal so much so that friends of mine have not been able to finish. If you are on a budget take a box of cereal at most £2 and buy milk on site (yes there are places that just sell milk) then allow £6 for a meal. So I would budget at about £12 per day including snacks (donuts, garlic bread, nuts ect). Most snack food you bring will not be eaten and most fruit does not take to being knocked about. So plan ahead Glastonbury is huge no really huge and some things cost the earth (fags if you smoke) but other things compared to other festivals are quite reasonable (real ale tent and some food). I point this out because if you are the other side of the site that you are on and fancy some noodles it may take you an hour to walk to your tent before you even fire up the cooker. On site you can buy most things and there are even places you can get your hair done.

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On the bargain booze side of things...you can get Burrowhill cider delivered to your house at £6.10 for 4 litres a keg. Go do the maths! :P

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So many people take food to eat and most of the time it does not get eaten and then wantonly dumped cos the folks cant be arsed to take it back to the car. :P

Its a nice idea yes but unless you are super serious about cooking etc its a lot easier and tastier to go to one of the hundreds of amazing food stalls and buy yummy stuff.

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You need £12 a day - oggie for breakfast lunch and dinner. Done.

I tend to just bring spirits and mixers, and buy pints. I bought a case of 12 cans of gaymers last year, and they were done by Friday morning. Suppose they saved a fair whack of case, but my god did they make my back hurt

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£15-20 per day is enough for food. In total i ususally take £100 and come back with a bit of loose change. Last year i took £80 and was a bit restricted.

I bring cereal and UHT milk which can save a lot on breakfast! means a tea and toast (with earl grey!!)around 11am for £3 will do rather than an entire full breakfast in the campsite at like £7.

A full meal is more like £6 not £5. The difference between spending £5 and £6/7 on one meal can be enormous too in my experience. you will get a lot more at better quality just by going up a quid and shopping around.

Only stuff i take of my own is Cereal + UHT milk (no subsitute for real milk!! will go looking for that this year but means i dont have to leave the tent/area...) and i also take apples and crisps to put in the day bag.

I bring as many cans as i can possibly carry. Hurts and takes longer than i'd like to get in and get camped but the money you save on this is enormous.

although i'd never do a glasto without a few brothers!

Edited by Memory Man
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If you want to save money on site and not take up too much space try bag meals from camping shops, the vegetable curry is nice just make sure that you tent has ventilation!

I really look forward to the food at glasto, there is an amazing variety so look about and don't just use the nearest stall when you are hungry, the quality does vary from outstanding to dodgy burger van type stuff.

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If they sell milk im taking protein, fills you right up. May try and find a sheep to bench whilst im at it!
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You need £12 a day - oggie for breakfast lunch and dinner. Done.

I tend to just bring spirits and mixers, and buy pints. I bought a case of 12 cans of gaymers last year, and they were done by Friday morning. Suppose they saved a fair whack of case, but my god did they make my back hurt

Edited by maninkilt
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I couldn't take my own food, because every meal of that kind would be a missed opportunity for a goat curry or en El Fred's chilli etc. etc.

I do take a packet of crunchy oat cereal - for nibbling in the tent for energy.

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£20 a day will feed the hungriest of hungry people - I know £6/£7 a meal sound a lot but in some of the pie and mash places and the veggie places in the Greenfields like Buddhafield, No Bones Jones, Manic Organic etc you get HUGE portions - I usually eat a hearty breakfast and a big dinner, but rarely need much for lunch - usually grab a crepe or some fruit salad.

If you want to take snacks and drinks but are on a budget you can plan ahead - I find that if I pop something extra in with my weekly shop (like a tube of Pringles or some cereal bars) for the few weeks running up to Glasto I don't notice the extra cost and I have a little stockpile of snacks ready to go! And of course, it's always a good idea to pick up slabs of beer or bottles of spirits when they're on offer in the supermarket!

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I used to spend 20 quid a day at Reading, so I'll be taking the same for Glasto. Only difference by the sounds of things is that the food's loads better at Glasto.

Going to have to think about booze money as well. I might just bring spirits in plastic bottles then buy ciders the rest of the time, sounds like the easiest option to me considering I'll be traveling by train.

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