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Red or yellow campsite at Chelmsford...

Guest Miss Moo

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Six of one half a dozen of the other. Red Campsite is bigger (much bigger), you are crammed in more but loads more going on, for instance you have the Carling tent, Fun Fair, lots of different stalls etc. From what I remember of Yellow was it was much more sedate, they had a party bus then and a food stall but that was about it. They are both about the same distance to the arena (well, if your camped at the beginning of Red anyway)

Really depends on what you want. Red seems to be the party site and I mean you will get no sleep whatsoever, but it is quieter on Yellow!

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I'm always in Yellow, and will probably always stay there because it's what I'm used to. As far as I know, yellow is closer to the arena. The only difference I'm aware of are that there are no BBQ's allowed in yellow, but they are in red (you are allowed camping stoves though).

The funfair, stalls etc are accessible for everyone, it's not exclusively for red.

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I would like some sleep and half decent toilets (if thats possible). I imagine red to be really busy!!

But is yellow more strict and can u have camp fires??

Edited by mcalli2008
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Well I have stayed in Red twice and yellow once, Was in Red last year and am going back to yellow this year!! Red is absolutely massive, it took us 15 mins just to get to our tent and then another 15 mins to get to the arena - yellow is definitely closer to the arena. Also, there is hardly an inch of space between tents in red, they are so crammed in, you have to tiptoe to get to your tent!!

The funfair is between both campsites and the arena so that's for everyone, and there are stalls and eating/drinking places in yellow, and they also had hairdressers and camping stalls etc - they just had a few more in red. Red is definitely livelier, but yellow isn't that far behind - if you want to go mad you do, if you don't - you don't!!!

You can have BBQs in red but not yellow, you can take a gas camping stove though(!!)

Have fun - which I know you will do, whichever campsite you go in. :P

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