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What's wrong with Glastonbury?

Guest dingbat2

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Sometimes I think its us. I mean everyone who covers the site with rubbish, leaves tents and stuff behind and pisses in the streams (which nearly cost the festival its licence). It doesn't give you much hope that we're going to be the generation to clean up all the environmental mess and climate change when we so conspicuously crap on what we supposedly love.
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Good call, that's the one thing that could be improved. I think there is definitely a need for more bins. I think a fair amount of people (maybe even most) would put their rubbish in a bin if they could, but the bins fill up so quickly that rubbish piles up around them.
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It would be nice if they had some kind of incentive to make people pick litter up, like they did with cups at V. I never drop litter, and always take a couple of bin bags to hang on the hedge near the tent, and it really annoys me when it gets to Friday and you have to sit in all the rubbish to eat, not to mention the smell!

Also at V, it was nice only having a couple of minutes walk between stages. I'll never forget running from the Fratellis on the Pyramid in 08 to see Franz at the Park and falling flat over a guy rope in the mud.

But saying that, I love that Glastonbury is the size it is, because there's so much to see and you never get bored wondering round the same areas, which was a big issue at V.

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It would be nice if they had some kind of incentive to make people pick litter up, like they did with cups at V. I never drop litter, and always take a couple of bin bags to hang on the hedge near the tent, and it really annoys me when it gets to Friday and you have to sit in all the rubbish to eat, not to mention the smell!
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The ticket thing is great. Anything that stops touts (c**ts to a man) is a great thing and should be encouraged

I have no problem really with the police on site, it's not the way it worse, it's generally a safer, less wild place and the police there are, genreally, pretty cool.

But, what i do have a problem with are the private security firms. They seem to be a law to themselves, some of them are cool, and relaxed and into the spirit of it, but some of them are very very clearly not. It's a bit of an arsehole magnet, atrtracting some right bellends, i think and it concerns me. I'd like to see a real cutback on them, stricter regualtions and a real policy of who /where/what you can do to complain about the ones who act like pricks. I'm not having a pop at the sound ones (of which there are many) just the arseholes and sem to be above any form of supervision or accountability.

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I'd like one or two harder rock bands, just once. I'm not talking thrash metal or anything like that. I'm a reasonable man. I can understand why that's a bit of an acquired taste. Just some good old fashioned metal.

Iron Maiden - just one time.

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wow that has to be the most spectacular couple of hours music in the history of the festival!

How many bands are up to following the Fratellis? What brave brave band could dream of achieving such a feat? All I can think of is The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Franz Ferdinand. And sadly the first 2 are not possible so thank the gods for the exisitence of Franz Ferdinand.

If I had experienced this phenomenal sequence of bands then I am certain my penis would still, all these years later, be ramrod erect having still not fully recovered from the excitement.

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wow that has to be the most spectacular couple of hours music in the history of the festival!

How many bands are up to following the Fratellis? What brave brave band could dream of achieving such a feat? All I can think of is The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Franz Ferdinand. And sadly the first 2 are not possible so thank the gods for the exisitence of Franz Ferdinand.

If I had experienced this phenomenal sequence of bands then I am certain my penis would still, all these years later, be ramrod erect having still not fully recovered from the excitement.

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As soon as I read that they saw Fratellis than off to see Franz I knew you would be around to belittle people for there taste in music, and even you even have the cheek to compare to bands who can't make it to the festival on account of death, for you all know they could prefer those you mentioned but even then it dosn't really matter, why does other peoples taste in music effect you so much?

And this is exactly the sort of attitude I was on about earlier :P

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I know that you wern't defending your taste personally on this post but on other posts I see you are extremely defensive about your music tastes when someone slags of a band that you like.

You seem like a nice chap but if someone has a bad opinion on a band you love then let them cos it wont stop you loving them. This is what I have learned for the past few weeks in college, people were dissing my tastes cos apparently Pixies have a gay name therefore thay are crap, at first I was really defensive but now I don't really give a f**k about what they think and neither should you.

I'm not having a go at you or anything but I just think that it's a bit pointless getting all worked up and defensive about people on an internet message board having a go at your taste in music. As I said before if we all liked the same thing it would be a boring world :P

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Is Russycarps your dad or something? You always defend him.

I don't see why people think it's ok to insult people on here. You wouldn't put up with a stranger in the street calling you a "whopper" or whatever just because you listened to music that wasn't to their taste, so I don't see why people should put up with it on here.

How come it's ok for him to spout utter bollocks and pathetic insults, but nobody else is allowed to respond?

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