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I think some are under the impression the forums are the be all and end all of this place, I was always under the impression it was to provide festival coverage, big and small, many of which wouldnt get coverage in the first place?

I'm with StevenHooper that if people want to continue to be annoyed about it, its less likely that the forum will come back. Will also be on both but really theres little better than this place, whether it be fansites (no offence to pinthe...), virtual... and I dont see the organiser reopening a forum themselves... so I'd hope the will be back in the future.

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I wonder how many of you complaining would have paid money to keep people out of court?

As you've raised that, I'll use the opportunity to say that not one of the people involved in that incident felt I'd done them enough of a favour by stopping them being dragged thru the courts (which, I assure you, would have definitely happened) to send me even £1 as a way to express their thanks.

Quite why some people think I should bend over backwards for them AND take all this shite for such lack of thanks only gets to show what a bunch of low-lifes some of them are.

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I think some are under the impression the forums are the be all and end all of this place, I was always under the impression it was to provide festival coverage, big and small, many of which wouldnt get coverage in the first place?

I'm with StevenHooper that if people want to continue to be annoyed about it, its less likely that the forum will come back. Will also be on both but really theres little better than this place, whether it be fansites (no offence to pinthe...), virtual... and I dont see the organiser reopening a forum themselves... so I'd hope the will be back in the future.

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As you've raised that, I'll use the opportunity to say that not one of the people involved in that incident felt I'd done them enough of a favour by stopping them being dragged thru the courts (which, I assure you, would have definitely happened) to send me even £1 as a way to express their thanks.

Quite why some people think I should bend over backwards for them AND take all this shite for such lack of thanks only gets to show what a bunch of low-lifes some of them are.

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As you've raised that, I'll use the opportunity to say that not one of the people involved in that incident felt I'd done them enough of a favour by stopping them being dragged thru the courts (which, I assure you, would have definitely happened) to send me even £1 as a way to express their thanks.

Quite why some people think I should bend over backwards for them AND take all this shite for such lack of thanks only gets to show what a bunch of low-lifes some of them are.

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I've been a member/poster here for a number of years and Neil has done some dickish things in the past but has truly excelled himself with this one.

As Ive pointed out a number of times, he doesn't like the Scots much and this really doesn't surprise me. Well................it does............... :P

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I've been a member/poster here for a number of years and Neil has done some dickish things in the past but has truly excelled himself with this one.

As Ive pointed out a number of times, he doesn't like the Scots much and this really doesn't surprise me. Well................it does............... :P

As you've just so eloquently pointed out .... you don't know shit, but you think you know it all.

Mummy's calling for you for your tea I think. You'd better run, else she'll be sending you to bed early.

Just grow up, eh? :P

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Maybe its a lesson learned and next time instead of forking out let them have their medicine, then maybe this situatuion could have been avoided as more people would think before they post had people been in the courts before!

Oh, you can be 100000% sure of how I'll handle something similar next time. Throw 'em to the wolves. Food is all they're good for. :P

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Must admit I'm slightly taken aback by the so called moderators responses, petty & childish spring to mind also I think there is deffo an anti scots vibe on the go because you can bet your nelly if the same "idiotic" posts were found on the glasto forum you wouldn't see that getting removed. As people have said theres idiots in all walks of life & now especially on the t'internet forums.......there wouldn't be any forums at all if we followed old neily boys 'moderation'...... :P

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.......there wouldn't be any forums at all if we followed old neily boys 'moderation'...... :P

Except of course these forums have been run following "old neily boys 'moderation'...... :P" for over ten years, and have become the most successful festival forums because of it.

Not everyone wants to use forums dominated by idiots - as many of the posts in this thread have made clear.

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