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T in the park


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I don't get all the fuss kicked up - if you went into a pub and started being lairy, throwing insults around and generally acting like a cock, you'd get booted out and steps would be taken to make sure that further trouble doesn't happen - like you get some places that don't allow trainers or football colours as they don't wish to cater for that consumer.

Why should it be any different for any other type of business?

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I don't get all the fuss kicked up - if you went into a pub and started being lairy, throwing insults around and generally acting like a cock, you'd get booted out and steps would be taken to make sure that further trouble doesn't happen - like you get some places that don't allow trainers or football colours as they don't wish to cater for that consumer.

Why should it be any different for any other type of business?

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I don't get all the fuss kicked up - if you went into a pub and started being lairy, throwing insults around and generally acting like a cock, you'd get booted out and steps would be taken to make sure that further trouble doesn't happen - like you get some places that don't allow trainers or football colours as they don't wish to cater for that consumer.

Why should it be any different for any other type of business?

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The T in the park forum was a mess anyway.

Most of the people either putting it down or people talking crap. There were a few people who stuck up good posts.

I would rather it was up and running, but I've not checked it half as much this year as I have in previous years.

I don't normally side with the authorities, but a good point has been made, the official TITP site was removed now this one. Maybe if people were picked to moderate the TITP forum, this would save Neil Efestivals from moderating it. Perhaps people can put themselves forward.

I don't think moving to another website will be the same as this one.

Perhaps giving people a timescale of when it will be back? Or if certain criteria has to be met first? Perhaps you can stick some kind of disclaimer on the TITP forum?

But I have searched through various other forums (on efests) and you don't find half the shit posted in those forums as you do in TITP forum, there is still shit, just not in the same abundance.

Edited by Bezdad
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If you look at the other forums, there's silliness there, there's banter and the like but it never overpowers the true use for the forums - for people to ask questions and get information about festivals. The T in the Park page was being used by people to play part in silly little cliques and try and grab attention rather than discuss the festival and stuck out like a sore thumb.

It's not as if warning after warning wasn't pinned up to the top, if anything it's a surprise how long it's taken for something like this to happen. If people head to another forum that's their choice, but with summer festival season coming I'd imagine eFests to be a very seasonal business and a whole wave of new users will come along to fill any void left.

Mind you, none of this would have happened if they'd booked Kings of Leon for this year... :P

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everyone.............. SSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Im guessing the forum will come back but not until everything has blown over, so in the meantime, ssshhhh... and lets wait patiently. The T forum was really getting clogged up with shit (just like this ridiculously long and repetative thread), I was honestly struggling to find a decent topic. Hopefully it'll go back to a decent place to have (reasonably!) intellegent banter and a great source of info!!

Edited by petemanscoop
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I don't get all the fuss kicked up - if you went into a pub and started being lairy, throwing insults around and generally acting like a cock, you'd get booted out and steps would be taken to make sure that further trouble doesn't happen - like you get some places that don't allow trainers or football colours as they don't wish to cater for that consumer.

Why should it be any different for any other type of business?

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Which is true to some extent but if you went into a pub and acted like an arse, you wouldnt expect the pub to be shut down. Youd get banned (and maybe a kick in) and that would be it. The pub(forum) shouldnt be affected by some tossers, it should carry on the way it always has without the people throwing the insults around.
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Ah, so this thread explains the moron in Discussions then - what a bunch of idiots, looks like you brought it on yourselves. And as usual, its the minority ruining it for everyone else :P

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I was shocked when I saw the T forum was gone ... but it was getting to the stage where it was hard to find a thread that was serious and about T in the P ... the first year I went i loved T (when I never really read the rubbish and it was no where near as bad) but it got so bad with people putting it down (which i must admit I have a few times) that I actually dreaded going last year!!

Looks like a lot of the idiots are now banned which they should be, would be nice to get the forum back - even if it's not until May/June when the excitment really stats to build! It will be missed....

I am actually quite glad some of the folk are banned as their posts were repetative and dull and INSANELY selfish ... I mean for someone to be blocked from posting on T in the Parks forum, to then be banned, to then set up another account to cause more problems! I only wonder if she feels guilty or a little bit sorry for it?

Not meaning to have a go at badger - she is just the example that I have used ... I'm sure in reality she is a nice person

Edited by stu150
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Ive posted on the T forum for the last few years and have no idea whats been going on this year, everytime Ive went on recently it's just been full of people taking things far, far too seriously. The daft rivalries and the smart ass, arrogant replies to new people especially just made the whole room a drag. Dont agree with the way the efests guy has been acting either but whatever, the forums not really gonna be missed. People that take online forums so seriously really need to get a grip.

The internets f**king weird :P

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Yeah but it was never explained to anyone what comments were made on the forum to prompt this libel case (if it existed).

A smart person would have realised that to repeat the comments would be to repeat the libel.

Did the alleged libel ever exist? I suggest you go and ask Mr Geoff Ellis or his legal advisers.

Surely if Mr efestivals wanted to protect his site from further lawsuits he would explain the type of comments which are or are not tolerated!

It was explained. Libellous comments are not wanted.

As you clearly don't know what libellous means, the onus is on you to find out.

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I am actually quite glad some of the folk are banned as their posts were repetative and dull and INSANELY selfish ... I mean for someone to be blocked from posting on T in the Parks forum, to then be banned, to then set up another account to cause more problems! I only wonder if she feels guilty or a little bit sorry for it?

Not meaning to have a go at badger - she is just the example that I have used ... I'm sure in reality she is a nice person

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A smart person would have realised that to repeat the comments would be to repeat the libel.

Did the alleged libel ever exist? I suggest you go and ask Mr Geoff Ellis or his legal advisers.

It was explained. Libellous comments are not wanted.

As you clearly don't know what libellous means, the onus is on you to find out.

Edited by Tokely
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