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The Road to Rockness

Guest Paul ™

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So how's the festival site looking, Jim?

There was a site visit recently and I got some photos back and it looks fantastic! It does in any weather but especially now that the sun's out. It's a very special place to spend some time. There wasn't any ash damage.

What's going on in the RockNess offices right now then?

The line-up is out there now, there's a couple more to come, but all the headliners are out there, so it's just a case of working everything through now. We recently announced Aphex Twin, which has gone down really well. He doesn't play very often and is very selective about where he does play, so that's a bit of a coup for us. I think we've got the best line up we've ever had, actually. It's definitely got more depth to it than we've ever had before. On all of the stages the depth of quality going down the bill is a lot stronger than we've ever had before. We're all very excited. It's all in hand.

Having Aphex Twin and Leftfield must be exciting?

We're just trying to schedule it all so they don't clash at the moment! That's what we've had the most feedback on from everyone. We've have more around that than anything else.

Are there any new things to look forward to this year?

There are some subtle changes to the site, the whole Nesstival site has been changed around, but there aren't any wholesale changes. One of the things that people will find different is having the Arcadia Afterburner there, which is an all new stage which we've added in. I think that's going to be a really popular feature of the show. On the Friday night we've got the Sub Club guys from Glasgow putting on a party there. On Saturday it's Summer Records with special guest Green Velvet and then we've got a closing part on the Sunday with surprise special guests. I think people will really love it...

How do you deal with the unpredictability of the weather? Loch Ness has its own micro climate doesn't it?

We've been very, very lucky over the last four years with the weather. I think last year was the first time it's actually rained during the show and it only rained for a couple of hours, then it was beautiful sunshine. I think if you're going to go to Scotland, then you've got to expect a little bit of everything. June in the Highlands is traditionally a beautiful time for weather and long may that continue.

You've got a strong New York theme with Blondie, Vampire Weekend and the Strokes playing...

Getting the Strokes was a brilliant booking for us. Obviously they're a legendary band. They've got great hits and for us it's a very big booking. It's one of the largest we've ever had on our stages. Then with Vampire Weekend, that fits very well musically. They're also very 'now'. When we announced those guys at the beginning of the year, they were going through a very popular phase and I think that's just going to continue for them. Blondie fits very well geographically for them - and they will have influenced many of the other bands that are on the bill. They're a great festival act, they'll play an hour of hit after hit after hit - which on a Sunday afternoon/evening time will be what everybody will need to raise the blood pressure a little bit to get ready for the last few hours of the festival! I think they're gonna do a great job.

And you're also championing some great new acts - Fenech Soler are amazing live.

We've always taken a very clear line that we want to help promote new bands and new music throughout the festival. I really, really love Fenech Soler - I think they're amazing and I think they're going to have a really good year next year after people have seen them live as well. They're definitely a band we want to have on the show and to be associated with, we really like them.

You've got Alabama 3 playing again. They're a bonkers lot aren't they?

They are bonkers. They've played RockNess two or three times now. Every festival has one or two bands that tend to be woven into the fabric of the festival and they are definitely one of those bands for us. They're really popular up in the Highlands of Scotland.

The atmosphere of the crowd at RockNess is amazing. The Scottish audience are renowned for their, erm, enthusiasm…

The crowd are rowdy, but in a good way. The crowds at RockNess are great and they are also very knowledgeable about music. They're very well behaved and give great reactions to the bands and DJs that are performing. That's why we always try to book a very credible line up too, because that's what our customers demand. It's not like some festivals where you get a load of people there because it's a Friday night out almost. They are a fantastic audience for sure.

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