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Minimum price for alcohol.

Guest Rufus Gwertigan

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Just to change the mood what does everyone think about NICE recommending a minimum price for alcohol? linky

The idea is that you pay per unit of alcohol and although they have not mentioned a figure Sheffiled Uni did work based on 50p per unit. So some examples would be;

5% Lager 500ml (Stella) is 2.5 units = £1.25

9% Lager 500ml (Special Brew/Tennant Super)) is 4.5 units = £2.25

5% Cider 3lt is 15 units = £7.50 (you get the same for £2.70 ish in Tesco)

12% wine 750ml is 9 units = £4.50

40% spirits 70 cl (normal bottle) is 28 units = £14 (you can get a "similar" Tesco Value for 7 or 8 quid)

There won't be any discounts for buying a 6 pack either, so 6 stellas will cost you £7.50 at the corner shop. Obviously your nice big bottle of white cider are gonna go through the roof. If you are a discerning drinker I can't see this making any difference to you to be fair, especially with the wine and spirits.

Now I have said for a long while that once the health bods tackle smoking that alcohol would be next. I have read that the support in Government is mixed but I can see the end coming.

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I think it's unfair to people who drink sensibly (or reasonably sensibly). But there's f**k all we can do. I'm sure they'll get there laws through, in Scotland first of course.

I only get a few cans at the weekend so it won't hit me in the pocket too much but I still think it's unfair and I doubt it will have a massive effect.

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I think it's unfair to people who drink sensibly (or reasonably sensibly). But there's f**k all we can do. I'm sure they'll get there laws through, in Scotland first of course.

I only get a few cans at the weekend so it won't hit me in the pocket too much but I still think it's unfair and I doubt it will have a massive effect.

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4 cans a day for me, prob wont stop me drinking, so i guess less food. thought we were supposed to be in an open market, so tis all fecked up.

cheaper to buy paint than beer n petrol, so how can we distill it intoa drinkable combutible liquid, (",)

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they should be making a maximum price rather than a minimum price, some bars take my breath away when im told the price of a beer...

buying in shops/supermarkets though... its only really going to make the alchy super strength stuff dearer... will somebody please think about the hobo's :(

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they should be making a maximum price rather than a minimum price, some bars take my breath away when im told the price of a beer...

buying in shops/supermarkets though... its only really going to make the alchy super strength stuff dearer... will somebody please think about the hobo's :(

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Im completely against it, and if people can't afford to get f**ked on booze, they'll turn to cheaper other substances, f**king absolutely stupid idea

What the f**k is the deal with booze, fags etc lately, just f**k off and let people enjoy their life

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Will the minimum apply to pubs as well? I agree that 2 for 1 deals and all you can drink for a certain ammount deals should be axed but I don't thin k people who go to the pub for a couple of pints should be penalised.

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Won't stop kids getting it.

They may no longer buy 3 litres of Strongbow but they will buy whatever the cheapest alcoholic drink is (4% lager?) under the new rules and drink that instead.

You think most 14/15/16 year olds won't get hold of a fiver/tenner for 4/8 cans if they needed to? Not really getting to the source of the problem which is why underage people drink so much in the first place.

Be great for whoever gets the extra dosh though, not really read much about it but if it's the chancellor then happy days for the Government and if it is Tesco or whoever then oh dear no wonder why they are pushing for it.

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How are kids less fortunate. It does not make it a luxury for the rich, as you can still ENJOY it, but not in as large or shite quantities.

You lose your job, how should your priorities be based. Food, heating rent?? or is is it beer first??

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I'm dead against it.

I love my beer and get very annoyed by the fact that because some little scrotes can't enjoy it sensibly, I'll be penalised for it.

Want a compromise? if they have to raise the prices in supermarket, then they should significantly reduce the prices in pub and give the pub trade the boost it so desperately needs.

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I'm pretty sure that under European Law price fixing is illegal so unless this comes in the form of tax it can't be done. I notice that Tescos are backing this big time, of course it's not massive increase in profit from one of their revenue streams that they are interested in but the health of their customers.

Raising the price of alcohol simply doesn't work one only needs to work at the Scandanavian countries to see that. The result of this will be more smuggling from the continent and more cash in the hands of organised criminals.

The only potential benefit of this is that more people drink in the pub rather than sat in front of the TV.

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I'm dead against it.

I love my beer and get very annoyed by the fact that because some little scrotes can't enjoy it sensibly, I'll be penalised for it.

Want a compromise? if they have to raise the prices in supermarket, then they should significantly reduce the prices in pub and give the pub trade the boost it so desperately needs.

Edited by Tugger2k
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