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Festival Laundry

Guest ross flight

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I have been to glastonbury a couple of times now and would really like to see some way in which I can get my clothes cleaned... some form of laundry?

Anyone agree?

Its just that i have quite often got all my clothes dirty before the end of the weekend. I'm not too fond of putting on dirty clothes.

Bring a laundry to glasto?

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Yep, first year this year I believe. Good luck to them, but slightly not needed imo, even less so on muddy years seeing as most people wear more or less the same clothes throughout. Hot years, three pairs of shorts and five shirts, why anyone needs a laundry service laaawd knows!

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think of the logistics involved in getting water and disposing of the water for a wash. you can hand wash items at your tent and leave them in the sun to dry on hot year, otherwise, may i suggest you take more clothes, or buy additional items you need, depending on the wather.

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