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Guest Skizz

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ive been the last 5 years and weve always had a little rain x x

whos up for doing a sunshine dance with me?? lol x

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Do you know what, I have never seen rain at a festival like 2007, Jesus christ we could not even walk from Gold to Arena, 2008 bad but 2007 was awful side ways rain, ha ha we stood side onto the main stage as the rain was hitting us in the face. Anyway had a fookin amazing time, best 2 years of any festivals, last year was hot, I drank myself silly and slept on the floor throughout Elbow, dont' worry embrace, your skin dries, its not going to be cold

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From BBC Weather Site:

Monday 16 August 2010 to Sunday 22 August 2010

Cheerier prospects as pressure builds

High pressure will remain slow-moving to the southwest of the British Isles, with a strong ridge of high pressure becoming established across all areas.

Given their proximity to the high, southern parts of England will benefit most from above average amounts of sunshine. Temperatures will be well above average in this region and above average across many other areas.

Rainfall, not surprisingly, will also fall well short of the seasonal norm, and even in the north of Britain, where conditions will be a little more unsettled, rainfall will be below par.

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Hey guys im back from sunny Crete now so can do a bit more of a detailed forecast now it's not so far away.

Unfortunately it's not looking quite as good as i was hoping just over a week ago, temperature wise things haven't changed much, in fact it looks warm and humid all weekend but the weather itself looks a bit messy.

Friday -

Typically there's a weather front set to push in Thursday Night which is going to make it somewhat of a mudbath Friday morning with early rain,

turning dry with sunny spells for Hylands in the afternoon but for Weston staying misty, cloudyish and drizzly, temperature's look like being around 21-24c however and very humid with hot air trying but failing to push up from France., a slight change in the weather pattern could shift the warm air north for both festivals, a slight change south will mean its even wetter.

Friday Night -

Other than a bit of drizzle or the odd spot of rain it's looking like a dry evening and night for both festivals at the moment, warm humid air blasting up to, so around 17-19c most of the night perhaps down to 15-16c at Weston if things get shunted a bit further south but not chilly.

Saturday -

Looks a bit complicated to forecast at the moment, probably the best day of the weekend with that Azores High which i originally predicted to be just West or South West of us being directly South over the continent dragging warm air up but at the same time showers pushing in off the atlantic though these may never reach Hylands.

So at the moment, its looking to be something like:

Weston: Cloudyish start with a bit of drizzle, sunny spells and the odd light shower afternoon, very muggy 22-24c

Hylands: Cloudyish start but brightening up though never that sunny, again 22-24c

Saturday Night -

Probably the best wetaher of the festival as the cloud dissapears in the evening to leave a calm, clear night and not as muggy, cooling off to around 14-15c at both Festivals and of course dry though it could change.

Sunday - This is tricky to forecast at the moment so don't take what i say as gospel, it looks like the next storm, will be brewing in the atlantic and it may well slam into us to give an absolute washout but at the moment the realistic scenario is looking that it will just miss us giving the northerners a washout day and sunny spells 22-25c if were lucky but its very uncertain so give it a few days.

Overall though it's looking a warm festival this year, this week itself other than Tuesday is looking generally dry till the festival other than the odd light shower so if Fridays rain storm gets downgraded it will at least be dry ground to start with :P

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Hey guys im back from sunny Crete now so can do a bit more of a detailed forecast now it's not so far away.

Unfortunately it's not looking quite as good as i was hoping just over a week ago, temperature wise things haven't changed much, in fact it looks warm and humid all weekend but the weather itself looks a bit messy.

Friday -

Typically there's a weather front set to push in Thursday Night which is going to make it somewhat of a mudbath Friday morning with early rain,

turning dry with sunny spells for Hylands in the afternoon but for Weston staying misty, cloudyish and drizzly, temperature's look like being around 21-24c however and very humid with hot air trying but failing to push up from France., a slight change in the weather pattern could shift the warm air north for both festivals, a slight change south will mean its even wetter.

Friday Night -

Other than a bit of drizzle or the odd spot of rain it's looking like a dry evening and night for both festivals at the moment, warm humid air blasting up to, so around 17-19c most of the night perhaps down to 15-16c at Weston if things get shunted a bit further south but not chilly.

Saturday -

Looks a bit complicated to forecast at the moment, probably the best day of the weekend with that Azores High which i originally predicted to be just West or South West of us being directly South over the continent dragging warm air up but at the same time showers pushing in off the atlantic though these may never reach Hylands.

So at the moment, its looking to be something like:

Weston: Cloudyish start with a bit of drizzle, sunny spells and the odd light shower afternoon, very muggy 22-24c

Hylands: Cloudyish start but brightening up though never that sunny, again 22-24c

Saturday Night -

Probably the best wetaher of the festival as the cloud dissapears in the evening to leave a calm, clear night and not as muggy, cooling off to around 14-15c at both Festivals and of course dry though it could change.

Sunday - This is tricky to forecast at the moment so don't take what i say as gospel, it looks like the next storm, will be brewing in the atlantic and it may well slam into us to give an absolute washout but at the moment the realistic scenario is looking that it will just miss us giving the northerners a washout day and sunny spells 22-25c if were lucky but its very uncertain so give it a few days.

Overall though it's looking a warm festival this year, this week itself other than Tuesday is looking generally dry till the festival other than the odd light shower so if Fridays rain storm gets downgraded it will at least be dry ground to start with :P

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Here's a Tuesday Morning update for you all, ill do a final update on Thursday but things haven't really changed anyway:


Heavy rain is definately moving in Thursday Night off the atlantic, theres no escaping it, however by 9am it would of already cleared Weston Park, though it will die out slowly carrying on till at least 11am for Chelmsford, the afternoon turns muggy for both festivals, high humidity will spark

off one or two heavy downpours scattered around so hopefully we can dodge them.

Weston Park: Damp start, brightening up late morning with the risk of a heavy downpour mid afternoon, 23c

Hylands Park: A wet morning, warm and sunny by mid afternoon, risk of downpours drifting across by 4-5pm 24c

Friday Night:

A humid, sticky night and after some late evening sunshine it will be overcast all night turning misty in Weston perhaps with some drizzle.

Weston Park: 17c

Hylands Park: 17-18c

Saturday: A grey start for both festivals, the cloud gradually breaks up to give sunny spells for the afternoon though the risk of showers popping

up for Hylands Park is there from the high humidity, in Weston cloudier than in Hylands Park but the chance of a shower is low, humid but not as muggy as down in Chelmsford.

Weston Park: 22-23c

Hylands Park: 24c

Saturday Night: Clearing up in the evening, most cloud at Hylands Park will be gone by sunset and still be gone at dawn, cloudier at Weston however but dry for both.

Weston Park: 14-15c

Hylands Park: 15-16c


Weston Park: Plenty of cloud spreading in with the risk of some showers between 10am-3pm, should be dry after that and turning sunny by evening, max temp of 23c

Hylands Park: A decent day, best of the weekend, due to the low being across the North West the South East gets the best weather so sunny spells and a tropical 25c.

Sunday Night:

Very messy, low pressure moving east bringing the risk of showers, sticky humid night even if we dodge them, 16-17c.

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got my waterproofs all ready, and my beer to keep me warm, if its sunny a bonus, but lets be honest, if the weather is the be all and end all of your weekend then maybe a festival isnt for you

Cheers for the updates though, interesting and always good to know it might be ok for at least some of the festival

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got my waterproofs all ready, and my beer to keep me warm, if its sunny a bonus, but lets be honest, if the weather is the be all and end all of your weekend then maybe a festival isnt for you

Cheers for the updates though, interesting and always good to know it might be ok for at least some of the festival

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