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Sonisphere 2010 Disabled Access Complaints

Guest smileydogs

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Sonisphere 2010 Disabled Access Complaints

the guy doing the petition has started something on facebook asking for those who did not get chance to sign to contact him - please we need your help to make sure things are improved for the disabled festival goers that follow

August update!

i wanted to keep you updated

it seems after sending in the petition complaints to Jenny she was very gracious and said there was one on the list she had not been made aware of speaking with people

Attitude suggested it be sent to the MD as well. Apparantly the MD has responded saying it was libelous! it appears that it doesnt matter that this chap was trying to help those less able to tackle this task and for and on our behalf, but soni are trying to diecredit, frighten and slander this chap, they asked for the truth and they dont seem to like it that over 6 pages of people put their name to and added complaints to a petition on how poorly they believed they had been treated and how bad the site was and suggestions on how to make it better for others! as far as i am aware it is a free country they asked for feedback and now its slander! honest they are either very worried or simply due to profits not bothered

I know that the people who license the event, North Herts council have been copied in as well so if soni wont take notice then hopefully the council will

shame things cant be amicable it is not about causing any hassle but trying to make things better - so whose in the wrong!

Edited by smileydogs
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