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What does health mean to you?

Guest saratink

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Hey, for my course in college i've got to ask people

what does being healthy mean to you?

If you could answer that question, i'd be really greatful thanks :D

Also if you could put your gender and age that would be good too!

If you don't wanna post it on here, please could you pm me with it :)

thankss :)

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male, 24

I consider myself healthy by taking care of my body even though I go out drinking 4/5 times a week and smoke 5 packs a week. I make sure get my 5 fruit & veg a day and avoid crappy food most of the time, I run 10 miles in less than a hour 2/3 times a week because I don't want my body to turn to shit before I'm 40 and have the stamina to do an all nighter when I want but at the same time I don't want to be an old bugger who lives till 90 so all in all just the quailty of body for my age.

In a side note body builders do my head in, they think just because they have bulk muscle they are fit but they don't really (generally) have the fitness to run or walk up a hill by strength training.

ps. normally when I do market research I get paid!

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To me, being healthy is about feeling good with yourself. Obviously being free of any illnesses and other physical illneses as well is something to determine if you are healthy, but I think feeling good with yourself is important too. For instance, you might not have any major health worries or major illneses, but you may feel you don't exercise enough, and that might make you feel unhealthy, even though you perhaps are healthy anyway. So I'd say it's all how you feel with yourself as well as what is profesionally considered healthy. You can therefore can be medically healthy as well as personally feeling healthy. One which deals with profesionaly treated illneses, whilst the other if how you interprate your own well being and health.

Male aged 22.

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I think it simply means i can join in with life.

If i am healthy, I have more energy, my relationships are better, i can better focus at work.

I've not been terribly healthy for a long time and i'm still not well, so being healthy would improve my life beyond measure.

Is that ok?

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I consider being healthy as being two different parts, physically healthy and psychologically healthy.

For the physically healthy side I think of that as having a good diet and doing plenty of exercise, at least five times a week with that being a mixture of cardio and weight training.

For the psychological side I think of that as being happy within yourself and being mentally happy. And in a big way, if you are physically healthy it can help you in being mentally happy as a good diet can make you feel better and exercise releases endorphins that make you feel happy.

Male 22

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Guest musiclove123

There is no health without mental health. Good mental health is so important so for me being healthy is feeling good about me and my life combined with being physically well. The two go hand in hand

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Male 52

Over the last 4 years my health has deteriotated markedly with the onset of Asthma.

Up to about 30ish I was playing squash sometimes 4 times a day,running,cycling etc so was always very fit with pleanty of stamina. Never smoked cigs.Never overweight.Never had any illness.

However, from prob mid 30s my excercise stopped and I have never done much since, but I`d always considered my health to be above average because my diet wasn`t too bad,I didnt smoke and my alcohol intake wasn`t too OTT.

From early forties though,with more disposable income,kids a bit older etc etc...I started drinking more spirits,and prob a richer diet.

But the biggest factor by far was the coming of the asthma 4/5yrs ago...and since then my overall feeling of demise has took its toll both physically and (moreso) mentally.

Based on that, I`d say your mental health is every bit as important,if not more so than your physical state (apart from the obvious illnesses).


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Ditto. Healthy is happy and vice versa.

Male, 21 and a bit

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It's being physically and mentally at ease in myself, being able to do the things I need to do to carry out my daily activities.

The two tend to go hand in hand as others have said, the peaks & troughs in on are often reflected in the other.

I've never felt so healthy as in the last few years, since I've become really happy. (It's just a pity I've been nearly constantly a bit physically broken during that time.....).

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