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Cafes in Amsterdam

Guest ajknight7498

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Me and my friend are taking a trip to amsterdam next year and we were wondering if anyones been there before that would recommend cafes that aren't a rip-off and provide some good quality smoke.

Heres google maps to help: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=cafes+in+amsterdam&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=cafes&hnear=Amsterdam,+The+Netherlands&ei=JPWuTLvwJ8T74Aamk4y0Bg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&resnum=4&ved=0CAYQtgMwAw

:D we will be staying in a hotel near the Vonderpark so cafes near there would be nice :)

Also can you rent Quadricycles in amsterdam?

Edited by ajknight7498
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Near Vondelpark is a place called Leidzsplien(sp?). There's a little square with some cafe's (one of the many Bulldog cafes is here - edit: as The Nal rightly says, avoid these.) with a bunch of streets coming off with a few places on.

You walk up a long road where the tram comes right down the middle of the street, down here theres a place called Easy Times. If there is any sport on when you're out there you can watch it there and the weed is good.

Further up theres a coffee shop there called the Damkring (damkrig, damkreig?? something like that). This place sells the best shit i've had in all the times I've been out, it's called Mako Haze. It's expensive but awesome. They've won the Cannabis Cup a few times.

Right off Dam Square is a place called Kadinsky which i particularly liked, one of a few places you can drink and smoke and it isn't too pricey. Also right off Dam Square is the red light district which has some of the best coffee shops for price and atmosphere. There's a place called The Green House there, it's expensive as f**k but has some of the best weed. Next door is a place called City Hall which is a stark contrast, cheap and cheerful, they have some lime green 'space cake' that was pretty tasty.

Near the train station there's a few good places as well.

Best advice i can give really is that if it's your first time you'll notice there are coffee shops everywhere, so just wonder around and discover them. Amsterdam is one of the best cities i've been to for just wondering around, It's a shit load of fun.

also...There's a casino next to Vondelpark, on the top floor there's loads of high roller poker tables and stuff. I'd not seen anything like it before, it was like a Bond film or something. If you like that sort of thing check it out.

Edit: The coffee shop Dolphins is near where you are staying, great little place. Argh, i f**king LOVE Amsterdam. :)

Edited by Greeny_Musicchild
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My favourite place is Rik's, a couple of streets away from Dam Square, down Dam Straat, it's overlooking a lovely canal ( opposite the Grren House mentioned earlier).

Haven't been for ages, but great atmosphere, great music (tend to put a whole album on at a time) & great location for people/worldgoingby watching & great wares on sale. And one of the few places you can get a beer in.

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Ahh this reminds me of this time last year us eFest lot were busy planning away our trip over to Queens Day.. wish I could go again next year but need to fund it 1st :(

My favourite place is Rik's, a couple of streets away from Dam Square, down Dam Straat, it's overlooking a lovely canal ( opposite the Grren House mentioned earlier).

Haven't been for ages, but great atmosphere, great music (tend to put a whole album on at a time) & great location for people/worldgoingby watching & great wares on sale. And one of the few places you can get a beer in.

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Ahh this reminds me of this time last year us eFest lot were busy planning away our trip over to Queens Day.. wish I could go again next year but need to fund it 1st :(

Yeah we went to Riks on the first night there, 15 eFesters made it an amusing night.. especially when one forum member went a bit white and wonky :lol:

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just a little hint, I'm sure you're well experienced in the way of the ganj, but beware of the space cakes ... the Dam makes them strong. I had friends who were crippled for the best part of a day on them.

I seem to remember most prices were fairly standard, not disimilar from UK prices. Don't remember any specific cafes, half the fun is wondering around the cafe/red light district and just popping into a cafe, and then off you go again to the next one.

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just a little hint, I'm sure you're well experienced in the way of the ganj, but beware of the space cakes ... the Dam makes them strong. I had friends who were crippled for the best part of a day on them.

I seem to remember most prices were fairly standard, not disimilar from UK prices. Don't remember any specific cafes, half the fun is wondering around the cafe/red light district and just popping into a cafe whore, and then off you go again to the next one.

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Hill Street Blues, there are two i think, tis the one that is COVEREDDDD in grafitti

you can sit downstairs with the big doors opening onto the canal, they do great milkshakes brought to you by cute as hell waitress' and they have a foozball table :)

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