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Tommy Sheridan found guilty of perjury

Guest Paul ™

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Surprised in the 12 weeks this trial has gone on, there has been no thread on this :unsure:

Anyway, found guilty of 5 counts of perjury (out of the initial 18 he faced) with his with being admonished


Sentancing will be on the 26th January, what do you reckon he will get?

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I genuinely think that the ideaology of socialism is something that this country desperately needs - for a long time we've seen governments become interchangeable and we've got a society where trampling all over your fellow man to get to the top is rewarded.

When Cameron spouts the likes of "We're all in this together" than hammers the poorest the most, creates huge unemployment etc, whilst Labour pushed money that should have been spent on investing in small business to create more jobs into the banks, who surprise surprise haven't changed their ways at all, there is need for a genuine system of care for the poorest rather than hammer them with taxes after Thatcher sold off the council housing - there's no wonder that people in poorer families are feeling isolated from the political system.

However, it's pricks like Sheridan that make it impossible to ever have a chance of seeing it in full practise in the future, or at least in its true form as it creates an association with sleaze and dishonesty. Looking forward to seeing what he gets.

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I think it's sad that a little girl is having her daddy taken away but when your father's Tommy Sheridan you're always going to be up against it.

He was clearly lying but I thought he might get out on a not proven verdict but there you go. Justice has been done and I'm glad. He's a greedy egotistical c**t who has only ever been out for himself.

Any real socialist who aligns themselves with that dick is no socialist in my eyes. Perhaps at one time Tommy was in politics to make peoples lives better but that was long ago, for a long time now Tommy Sheridan has only been in politics to promote himself. Good riddence, I hope they throw the book at him.

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I can address every single point in this thread when I can be arsed. I worked til 9pm tonight and I start at half 7 in the morning tomorrow.

But tomorrow evening I'll try and reply to some of the lunacy being spouted on this thread.

And just a note until then, if it wasn't for Tommy Sheridan, there would be no SSP and none of the policies the SSP got into practice would be here. Next time you hear about warrant sales elsewhere think of that!

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This was clearly a politically motivated conviction - the case between Sgeridan and NOTW was a civil matter within which the presiding Judge (in spite of the case being found in Tommy's favour) made comments about the unreliability of some of his testimony. In turn, the plod and CPS acted upon the Judge's statements in this matter. Now then, if it had been a dispute between two neighbours over a hedge or a fence (or any other civil case) and the case had been found in favour of one neighbour and the Judge had dismissed the evidence of the other neighbour and said that the loser's testimony was unreliable/fictitious do you think the police would have undertaken ANY action whatsoever on the basis of the loser having committed perjury? As it is, the police spent 5,200 hours investigating and prosecuting this case (the longest such trial in Scottish history) at a cost of over £5 million to the taxpayer. If it hadn't been Tommy Sheridan they'd never have undertaken such action. the chief constable of whichever Scottish police force it is probably plays golf with some NOTW editor.

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