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Tommy Sheridan found guilty of perjury

Guest Paul ™

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This was clearly a politically motivated conviction - the case between Sgeridan and NOTW was a civil matter within which the presiding Judge (in spite of the case being found in Tommy's favour) made comments about the unreliability of some of his testimony. In turn, the plod and CPS acted upon the Judge's statements in this matter. Now then, if it had been a dispute between two neighbours over a hedge or a fence (or any other civil case) and the case had been found in favour of one neighbour and the Judge had dismissed the evidence of the other neighbour and said that the loser's testimony was unreliable/fictitious do you think the police would have undertaken ANY action whatsoever on the basis of the loser having committed perjury? As it is, the police spent 5,200 hours investigating and prosecuting this case (the longest such trial in Scottish history) at a cost of over £5 million to the taxpayer. If it hadn't been Tommy Sheridan they'd never have undertaken such action. the chief constable of whichever Scottish police force it is probably plays golf with some NOTW editor.

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Tommy Sheridan leaves the high court after another stressful day. When he arrives home he realises that he has left his gear in the court. As Gail starts the tea he takes a fast cab back to court where he sees a cleaner dusting the Judges chair. Tommy says to her,"I've just come for my holdall". The cleaner replies to him, "Aw,Tommy,d'ye no think yer in enough trouble"


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Tommy Sheridan leaves the high court after another stressful day. When he arrives home he realises that he has left his gear in the court. As Gail starts the tea he takes a fast cab back to court where he sees a cleaner dusting the Judges chair. Tommy says to her,"I've just come for my holdall". The cleaner replies to him, "Aw,Tommy,d'ye no think yer in enough trouble"


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This was clearly a politically motivated conviction - the case between Sgeridan and NOTW was a civil matter within which the presiding Judge (in spite of the case being found in Tommy's favour) made comments about the unreliability of some of his testimony. In turn, the plod and CPS acted upon the Judge's statements in this matter. Now then, if it had been a dispute between two neighbours over a hedge or a fence (or any other civil case) and the case had been found in favour of one neighbour and the Judge had dismissed the evidence of the other neighbour and said that the loser's testimony was unreliable/fictitious do you think the police would have undertaken ANY action whatsoever on the basis of the loser having committed perjury? As it is, the police spent 5,200 hours investigating and prosecuting this case (the longest such trial in Scottish history) at a cost of over £5 million to the taxpayer. If it hadn't been Tommy Sheridan they'd never have undertaken such action. the chief constable of whichever Scottish police force it is probably plays golf with some NOTW editor.

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I can address every single point in this thread when I can be arsed. I worked til 9pm tonight and I start at half 7 in the morning tomorrow.

But tomorrow evening I'll try and reply to some of the lunacy being spouted on this thread.

And just a note until then, if it wasn't for Tommy Sheridan, there would be no SSP and none of the policies the SSP got into practice would be here. Next time you hear about warrant sales elsewhere think of that!

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