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Nice thought this biodegradable tent

Guest fraz

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Kinda interesting although in reality it's just another product pandering to the lazy, selfish and those with too much do$h to throw around ... but with a "green" label on it so users can be lazy, selfish and wasteful with a relatively clear conscience :rolleyes:

As you quite rightly say, spending a sensible amount of do$h on a half decent tent that will last for a good many years if looked after is by far the better option.

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hmmmm. As with a lot of 'green' ideas this may be misguided. The carbon footprint of manufacturing is never taken in to account for e.g. Can't see the seed idea working as the site cleaners will just pick it up and throw it in with the rest of the rubbish (albeit perhaps in a recyclable pile). Potato pegs - we all know how good they are.....

The photos show other pitfalls - the peg holes have been ripped at the front, can probably say goodbye to your tent in a stiff breeze.....

10/10 for trying and a nice idea but the greenest way to camp, as others have said, is to take your frigging tent home - not difficult is it?

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Its an okish idea I guess, but how many would actually take it up? It'd only people who care about the environment and leaving waste behind wouldn't it? So overall bit pointless and doubt if came out it would ever make that much difference unless it was the cheapest tent in tesco and such places.

People just shouldn't be so lazy and expect everything to be done for them!

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