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Birds and fish dying in their 1000s in America

Guest 5co77ie

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This is the best theory about the birds falling from the sky...

At the end of the day, magnetic pole flips, sun spot activity, animals unexplainedly dying in their hundreds and thousands...we can bleat and be rude to each other as much as we like on public forums like this with people behaving like they are godlike in their knowledge but somewhere, possibly close and certainly far away there are men and women of far higher intelligence than us called scientists who are paid to research and study and simply do their amazing job to try and truly find out what is going on by looking at fact and results and measurements.

This has been going on for quite some time now and despite all the media whohaa and the internet paranoia and general myths and hearsay made up by scared and silly humans, the people trying to figure it all out professionally and do a bloody hard job of it are the ones to listen to because the rest of us certainly don't have a clue! Sadly the media and it's 'humans must survive at all costs' and 'doom doom doom, oh no we might all die' approach only aims to reassure and stroke our inflated egos of self importance as an animal species.

And besides when the sunspot activity does start to roll onto the peak time by 2013...noone will be able to talk online anyway as the communication systems will highly likely be totally buggered...have fun arguing til then.

Duh duh duuuuuuuh...doooooooom! The planet needs a clear out anyway. :P

2012 is a very funny film I will say :rolleyes: Brilliant if somewhat totally implausible representation of Yellowstone's supervolcano erupting :D

If you pay attention to Dr Brian and listen to the quips he comes out with when he scoffs at human paranoia and the myths the media have come up with, he stands up for the truth in science, the man has a reason to be slightly peed off at the silliness. The media whips the common human into a state of godlike being that leads most people to believe that we are going to be here on this planet a lot longer than we should naturally be here. Sadly, due to our selfish existence and mindset, it isnt going to be pretty when anything on a scale that can really f**k us up does happen.

It is going to be a case of 'we told you so' from the learned ones whatever happens. Breed like a virus and expect to be eradicated.

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Haha...ignore all the worries about Armageddon...

the latest flock of birds found dead, it turns out they all died from getting pissed from eating leftover grapes at a vineyard! Drowned and drank themselves to death! :lol:

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