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Paul Simon?

Guest Roonwilldo

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I feel I have to post on this topic for the simple reason that I fear some people (ok young(er) people) may not fully appreciate what PS on the main stage means. I grew up, like may of a certain age on this forum, listening to PS, Art and particulalry S and G. They are the soundtrack to my life. Now I'm sure many young people (and older) will claim the same about Muse, or Blur, or the other mediocre bands I can't even bring myself to type (U... and O...). They would be wrong.

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Not sure on this at all,with Art he they were brilliant in there day,and that was a very long time ago. On his own to me the only thing he has done of merit was Gracelands...I think he wll be a bit of a let down on his own. I shall go and have a look though,but can't see me staying, i hope he proves me wrong.

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I feel I have to post on this topic for the simple reason that I fear some people (ok young(er) people) may not fully appreciate what PS on the main stage means. I grew up, like may of a certain age on this forum, listening to PS, Art and particulalry S and G. They are the soundtrack to my life. Now I'm sure many young people (and older) will claim the same about Muse, or Blur, or the other mediocre bands I can't even bring myself to type (U... and O...). They would be wrong. I consider myself very lucky to have seen not only PS and AG solo shows, but S and G together. I was also lucky enough to be in New York to catch The Capeman on stage! It ran for a very short time and was much derided. How was it? Well, it had some of PS's best songs (and I don't say that lightly) and it starred Ruben Blades. What do you think! Anyway, the upshot of this is quite simply, PS is without a doubt the most consistant composer alive and the only person who could even challenge his catalouge is Macca. His musicianship is stunning - try and find a clip of the solo acoustic version of Father and Daughter he did on his last tour. If you only know Graceland then you are scraping the surface. This is not going to be a N Diamond show. (BTW - I have seen ND before the GB show and even as a fan I admit at GB the sound and atmosphere was poor - that was not a real ND show. The same goes for CSN on main stage - give them another chance if you didn't enjoy it.)

Rant over.

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I feel I have to post on this topic for the simple reason that I fear some people (ok young(er) people) may not fully appreciate what PS on the main stage means. I grew up, like may of a certain age on this forum, listening to PS, Art and particulalry S and G. They are the soundtrack to my life. Now I'm sure many young people (and older) will claim the same about Muse, or Blur, or the other mediocre bands I can't even bring myself to type (U... and O...). They would be wrong. I consider myself very lucky to have seen not only PS and AG solo shows, but S and G together. I was also lucky enough to be in New York to catch The Capeman on stage! It ran for a very short time and was much derided. How was it? Well, it had some of PS's best songs (and I don't say that lightly) and it starred Ruben Blades. What do you think! Anyway, the upshot of this is quite simply, PS is without a doubt the most consistant composer alive and the only person who could even challenge his catalouge is Macca. His musicianship is stunning - try and find a clip of the solo acoustic version of Father and Daughter he did on his last tour. If you only know Graceland then you are scraping the surface. This is not going to be a N Diamond show. (BTW - I have seen ND before the GB show and even as a fan I admit at GB the sound and atmosphere was poor - that was not a real ND show. The same goes for CSN on main stage - give them another chance if you didn't enjoy it.)

Rant over.

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I feel I have to post on this topic for the simple reason that I fear some people (ok young(er) people) may not fully appreciate what PS on the main stage means. I grew up, like may of a certain age on this forum, listening to PS, Art and particulalry S and G. They are the soundtrack to my life. Now I'm sure many young people (and older) will claim the same about Muse, or Blur, or the other mediocre bands I can't even bring myself to type (U... and O...). They would be wrong.

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if he plays i'll certainly take the opportunity to catch him, grew up with my dad playing S & G and still have his old albums now. Like the opportunity to see Leonard Cohen play in 08, some chances you dont pass over

Edited by ramragon
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I have all the old S&G albums,they were classics,on his own though i am not so sure. Graceland was a classic,his other stuff is very average. I was there for Leonard Cohen,he's in a different league whe it comes to Paul Simon though,one of the best things i have seen at Glastonbury. I will give Simon a look but don't really expect to stay and watch him all through his set.

Edited by jimmyt
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I feel I have to post on this topic for the simple reason that I fear some people (ok young(er) people) may not fully appreciate what PS on the main stage means. I grew up, like may of a certain age on this forum, listening to PS, Art and particulalry S and G. They are the soundtrack to my life. Now I'm sure many young people (and older) will claim the same about Muse, or Blur, or the other mediocre bands I can't even bring myself to type (U... and O...). They would be wrong. I consider myself very lucky to have seen not only PS and AG solo shows, but S and G together. I was also lucky enough to be in New York to catch The Capeman on stage! It ran for a very short time and was much derided. How was it? Well, it had some of PS's best songs (and I don't say that lightly) and it starred Ruben Blades. What do you think! Anyway, the upshot of this is quite simply, PS is without a doubt the most consistant composer alive and the only person who could even challenge his catalouge is Macca. His musicianship is stunning - try and find a clip of the solo acoustic version of Father and Daughter he did on his last tour. If you only know Graceland then you are scraping the surface. This is not going to be a N Diamond show. (BTW - I have seen ND before the GB show and even as a fan I admit at GB the sound and atmosphere was poor - that was not a real ND show. The same goes for CSN on main stage - give them another chance if you didn't enjoy it.)

Rant over.

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If you go back through this thread you will find that Paul Simon still plays quite a lot of S&G tunes (see setlists) and intends to do so, along with other classic solo songs (you really don't know anything but "Graceland"?!!), on his forthcoming tour (according to his press release/publicist) whilst also promoting his new album.

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As i have stated i have listened to a fair bit of his solo stuff besides Graceland,and its nothing special,i'm sure he will do a fair bit of the old tunes he did with Art,apart from Gracelands its all he has got of any merit to fall back on. Ok i mention Graceland quite a bit,only because its a classic,i have not read anything of his forthcoming tour,why would i when i don't rate him on his own these days. If he were with Art it would be a real treat,but thats not going to happen is it..

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As i have stated i have listened to a fair bit of his solo stuff besides Graceland,and its nothing special,i'm sure he will do a fair bit of the old tunes he did with Art,apart from Gracelands its all he has got of any merit to fall back on. Ok i mention Graceland quite a bit,only because its a classic,i have not read anything of his forthcoming tour,why would i when i don't rate him on his own these days. If he were with Art it would be a real treat,but thats not going to happen is it..

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From reading the thread the people who actually rate Simon (which seems to be 'most' people who have spent time listening to him) reckon Graceland is just the tip of the iceburg in terms of his better material. Now obviously Graceland is the one you've come closest to getting into, which is fair enough - and you say you've given a reasonable listen to his solo stuff - given that most people who've given him the same time to listen to him have gotten into him and found stuff better than Graceland, I'm thinking, he's just not your bag. That doesn't make him less of a legend.

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Just wanted to add that i am delighted by the news that Paul Simon is almost certainly on the bill. I am also hopeful that it will be the legends slot and not Saturday night as i am alredy torn between Coldplay and The Chems. I am seriously excited about catching him - especially if it's a greatest hits type set.

I have loved reading this thread and different bits of it have brought a tear to my eye - all the stuff thats come out here about "feeling" music probabaly epitomises what a special set this could be.

I also just had a lovely thought about the influence of this appearance on campsite singsongs! I think Wonderwall could fall off the agenda for a year which can only be a good thing.

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