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Lady Ga Ga to play.

Guest bunter

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Heard a snippit today on XFM while channel surfing, somethin along the lines of an "eccentric madamouselle and her little monster's making an appearance at Glastonbury".

Now i'm no fountain of knowledge on the meat wearing muppet but is that no what she calls her fans or summit?

Anyway probably would be a bit of a laugh seeing her and cannae be any worse than bassey...

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I only hope the day comes soon when she can record her duet with Michael Jackson. There is nothing to like about this vacuous embodiment of 21st century celebrity obsession. Can't sing, can't dance, looks shit. She'll go a long way, tragically (and she should have been a kit-kat advert).

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No - If i'd meant to say that I didn't like her then I would have typed "I don't like her" but, in fact, what I meant to say was that she can't sing. I can see how this has confused you so let me try and furnish you with a little more information so that we're crystal.

She can't sing in tune or very well.

I appreciate that everyone should be allowed to try but it really is time that Gaga let some other tramp in bin bags have a go on the karaoke machine.

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Most insults aimed at Gaga are understandable because music is personal opinion. Saying she can't sing in tune or very well is ridiculous, because she's whats musically known as pitch perfect. Listen to more of her music, try and get just the vocal tracks if the music bothers you that much, and you'll realise.

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Not on any of the live recordings I've seen or heard, she isn't.

You are right; music should be about personal opinions. I just don't believe that anyone, without Radio 1 and/or The Sun's influence, could possibly like the banal crap she churns out. People like her because they think she's cool and they'll drop her like a hot turd when she is no longer fashionable.

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Not on any of the live recordings I've seen or heard, she isn't.

You are right; music should be about personal opinions. I just don't believe that anyone, without Radio 1 and/or The Sun's influence, could possibly like the banal crap she churns out. People like her because they think she's cool and they'll drop her like a hot turd when she is no longer fashionable.

Edited by thesecretingredientiscrime
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I recon she can sing. Pretty well. Not got a standout voice, but it's not her voice which she is know for.

Im not actually a massive fan, but just after 2010 I put a quid (33-1) on her to headline this year. Why?

1) She's one of the biggest pop stars/artists in the world.

2) She will have her second album dropping spring this year. She will dominate the charts all over summer and potential reach a career height around June.

3) Her live shows are meant to be pretty amazing. It is reported she makes 0 profit on her tours as they cost her so much to do.

4) She would bring a bit of diversity to the bill - U2/Coldplay/Pulp/Radiohead .. c'mon.

5) The publicity would be ridiculous, as people would go ape shit like with Jay Z.

6) She played before, and did a secret set as well hidden away in Glasto. That gives me the impression she enjoys the festival and hopefully gets what it's all about.

Reasons of course for her not doing it are huge -

1) See point 5 above.

2) Her stage shows require a huge wad of cash.

3) Trying to tell Beyonce she's billed below Gaga.

4) She's probably not going to draw as big as crowd as any of the safe bets.

I am pretty sure she won't headline. I think she's probably too big to play anywhere other than a headline slot though. Especially as there's like a million potential bands to headline the Other.

Elton John headliner, Gaga sub? Would be the campest thing at Glastonbury ever, potentially only rivaled by Kylie and Scissor Sisrters last year :lol:. Also about as likely as The Stones doing a secret Park gig.

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